Colonies 1763

Colonial America

  • Jamestown Settlment

    Jamestown Settlment
    This was the first settlement in North America. They were the first settlement and the survived by making a profit from tobacco
  • Creation of the House of Burgesses

    Creation of the House of Burgesses
    This was the first legislative body formed in North America. It was a representitive democracy. It was the government of Jamestown.
  • Founding of Plymouth

    This was the second Settlement founded and it brought Puritans and Christianity to America.
  • Pequot War

    Pequot War
    It was a was war between the Plymouth settlers and the Pequot tribe. It was the first major conflict and the Pequot were almost completely wiped out, and this made the Native Americans fear the settlers
  • Fundamental orders of Connecticut

    Fundamental orders of Connecticut
    Connecticut had the "first written contitution" It set up their govenment and rules
  • Toleration act of 1649

    Toleration act of 1649
    This is a law that basically gives freedom of religion. It was also the first law to have 'anti-hate-speeking' laws which pretty much meant you couldn't use the Lords name in vain while in public.
  • The Navigation Acts

    The Navigation Acts
    A law that prohibited trade between foreign countries and the colonies. The colonies had to buy products from England. Colonists didn't like this because England made a huge profit
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    It was the last major effort by Native Americans to push the English settlers out of New England
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's rebellion was an armed conflict in Virgina.
  • Dominion of New England

    Dominion of New England
    The first Coalitionof states/colonies. It was a failure because the colonies didn't like their rights being changed or removed.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    It was hearings for people being accused of witchcraft in Massachusetts. This showed the faults in the Massachusettes court systems.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    Several times in colonial history where religion suddenly became of greater intrest. This spread religion throughout the area, and changed what was believed.
  • Peter Zenger Trial

    Peter Zenger Trial
    This was a trial where John Peter Zenger was writting crittically about the governor and was charged for it. He was was found innocent. This showed that peoples right of press needed to be a right that's protected.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    The Stono Rebbellion was a slave uprising in South Carolina. Prior to this blacks had some freedom and as a reaction to the rebellion, they passed the "Negro Act" which tightened the control on slaves.