College History

By stishc
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus Lands in Bahamas

    The crew of Christopher Columbus spot a land mass which is now known as Bahamas. He speaks to the "Indians" as he arrives because they are confused on where he had come from.
  • Period: Oct 12, 1492 to

    Section1 & 2

  • May 1, 1497

    Amerigo Vespucci

    He sailed along the east coast of South America to hope to make it to Asia. He only found more land.
  • Jul 1, 1497

    Northwest Passage

    John Cabot began his search for the Northwest passage to Asia. He sailed through the place called Hudson river as we know now.
  • Sep 4, 1504

    Amerigo Vespucci

    He published a book about his journeys and named the New World, America. He is credited for the "founding" of America.
  • Sep 8, 1565

    Spanish Establish St. Augustine

    The spanish wanted to colonize in the Southern US areas to find the Fountain of Youth.
  • Jamestown

    On the day , the first joint stock company was created and colonized which later became a failure.
  • Jamestown

    John Smith becomes the leader of Jamestown which will become there downfall.
  • Plymouth

    The colony of Plymouth was founded by a group of religous people who left the homes for religious freedom.
  • Pilgrims

    The day the Indians and Pilgrims got together and feasted for three days to celebrate the harvest and god.
  • Massuchusetts Bay Colony

    A colony in massachusetts that was created by religious people who were fleeing there country from prosecution.
  • Boston Latin School

    The first school made in the US.
  • Slavery

    New England makes the use and selling of Slaves legal.
  • William Penn

    William Penn is born on this day. He was the man we named our great state after
  • New Amsterdam

    The Dutch flourishing city surrendered to England and was renamed to the now popular name New York.
  • War

    King Philip's War begin with the first fight against the colonists.
  • Pennsylvania

    William penn on this day named the now known state/colony founded by him, Pennsylvania.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    THis was the day the first trial was held on an innocent women because of the accusations of being a witch .
  • Benjamin Franklin

    The great inventor was born on this day.
  • New Orleans

    The colony of New Orleans was established by the French.
  • George Washington

    The fatherof our country was born on this day.
  • America

    Slavery and the popularization of America was beginning this year.