Collaborative Writing Pedagogy Timeline

  • "Difficulties with Collaborative Learning"

    Smit, David W. "Some Difficulties with Collaborative Learning." Journal of Advanced Composition 9.1/2 (1989): 45-58. Web. 3 September 2014.
  • "Computer-Mediated Collaborative Learning: An Empirical Evaluation"

    Alavi, Maryam. "Computer-Mediated Collaborative Learning: An Empirical Evaluation." MIS Quarterly 18.2 (1994): JSTOR. Web. 3 September 2014.
  • "Building Bridges between Cooperative and Collaborative Learning"

    Matthews, Roberta S., James L. Cooper, Neil Davidson, and Peter Hawkes. "Building Bridges between Cooperative and Collaborative Learning." Change 27.4 (1995): 34-40. Taylor & Francis. Web. 3 September 2014.
  • "Designing Electronic Collaborative Learning Environments"

    Kirschner, Paul, Jan-Willem Strijbos, Karel Kreijns, and Pieter Jelle Beers. "Designing Electronic Collaborative Learning Environments." Educational Technology Research and Development 52.3 (2004): 47-66. Springer. Web. 3 September 2014.
  • "Technology in Support of Collaborative Learning"

    Resta, Paul, and Therese Laferriere. "Technology in Support of Collaborative Learning." Educational Psychology Review 19.1 (2007): 65-83. Springer. Web. 3 September 2014.
  • "A Cognitive Load Aproach to Collaborative Learning: United Brains for Complex Tasks"

    Kirschner, Femke, Fred Paas, and Paul A. Kirschner. "A Cognitive Load Aproach to Collaborative Learning: United Brains for Complex Tasks." Educational Psychology Review 21.1 (2009): 31-42. Springer. Web. 3 September 2014.
  • "Group Work Does Not Necessarily Equal Collaborative Learning: Evidence from Observations and Self-Reports"

    Summers, Mark and Simone Volet. "Group Work Does Not Necessarily Equal Collaborative Learning: Evidence from Observations and Self-Reports." European Journal of Psychology of Education 25.4 (2010): 473-492. Springer. Web. 3 September 2014.