
Cold War/Post War Timeline

  • The Gouzenko Affair

    The Gouzenko Affair
    Gouzenko, 1966-Igor Gouzenko was trained in intelligence work, then assigned to Soviet Embassy (Ottawa) in 1943
    -Learned that Soviet Intelligence opearted several spy rings in Canada, with the main goal of "stealing the secret of the atomic bomb"
    -In 1945 he learned that he and his family were going to be sent back to Russia, offered Canadian government documents exposing soviet spies
    -18/39 people named were convicted
    -This gave Canada a view of how our security was at the time
    PICTURE: Gouzenko in public
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    -Soviet Union attempted to physically block all supply lines to West Berlin
    -Failed because Allies organized an airlift to provide food and other supplies
    -This raised tension between Soviet Union and us, as they were trying to completely seperate.
    PICTURE: Allied plane bringing desperately needed supplies
  • International Alliances: NATO

    International Alliances: NATO
    -North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    -Helped Canada become united with other members, which provided safety and security
    -reasoned that acts of aggression against any member would be discouraged
    -between Belgium, UK, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxenbourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal + US
  • Louis St. Laurent

    Louis St. Laurent
    -Won 1949, nicknamed "Uncle Louis"
    -Joined Newfoundland into constitution
    Had many accomplishments, includong:
    -St. Lawrence Seaway (linked Great Lakes + ATlantic Ocean)
    -United US and Canada through industry
    -Unemployment remained low
  • Start of Korean War

    Start of  Korean War
    • Communist North Korea attacks South Korea -US and other allies (including Canada) support SOuth Korea -UN condems attack and declares to "render every assistance" -Canada ranks 3rd in total aid, with over 1000 soldiers wounded and 406 killed.
  • End of Korean War

    End of Korean War
  • Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada

    Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers in Canada
    The Vietnam War had USA in action over-seas
    Draft Dodgers were people who did not want to be sent over, and escaped to Canada
  • UN Peacekeeping

    UN Peacekeeping
    -The decision to make Israel it's own country caused many problems
    -The Arabs did not agree that they should share their land with the Jewish people
    -The British, French and Israelis secretely decided to take over the Suez Canel (owned by Egypt)
    -This caused threatening conflict
    -Lester B Pearson had a plan to send UN peacekeeping forces
    to monitor the area, 800 Canadin soldiers were sent, that was the single largest contribution made by any nation
  • Cold War: Diefenbaker gets elected to be Prime Minister

    Cold War: Diefenbaker gets elected to be Prime Minister
    Diefenbaker was popular among farmers but not urban people
    Pledged to open the Canadian North, to seek out its resources
  • Sputnik

    -The rocket that launched the Sputnik (satilite) into orbit was also used to deliver nuclear war heads
    -The Americans feared the soviets had an advantage
    - President Kennedy quickly set up a blockade to avoid any threats of war
    - The Canadian Government thought that instead of a blockade, a supervisor would be more effective
    - However, the blockade stayed in place
  • Lester B. Pearson

    Lester B. Pearson
    -Lester B. Pearson was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
    -This was awwarded because his solution in the Suez Canal crisis, he later became Prime Minister
    -This award was a great honor to Canada
  • Continental Alliances: NORAD

    Continental Alliances: NORAD
    • Due to cold war there wa a rapid pressure to improve weapons and technology
    • It was clear the North Americans needed more defense
    • The North American Air defense agreement was signed in order to increase defense
  • The Avro Arrow and its cancellation

    The Avro Arrow and its cancellation
    Prime Minister cancelled production of the Avro Arrow
    A supersonic intercepter jet, developed and built by Canadians to defend Canada
    Cancellation left 14000 people without jobs
    Aerospace engineers/workers/scientists had to leave to other cities/provinces or another country
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    Soviets mirrored USA by making their own ICBM (intercontinetal ballistic missiles)
    American spy planes photographed Soviets missile sites in Cuba
    From Cuba, any missile could hit any sopt in North America
    US President Kennedy imposed a blockade around Cuba
    Canada proposed to send an independent group of experts to investigate, but nothing came out of it
  • Canadian and Soviet Hockey Series

    Canadian and Soviet Hockey Series
    Canadians had the mindset that they were superior to Russia in hockey
    Russia and Canada created a private hockey league that Canada came out of ahead of Russia
    Canadians still remember where they were when