Cold War Origions

  • Germany Divided

    Allies split Germany into 4 zones, each ruled by US, UK, USSR, and France
  • Period: to

    Cold War Origins

  • UN Created

    United Nations was started as an international orginization to prevent future wars
  • US Drops It

    The Us dropped 2 Atomic bombs starting the nuclear Age
  • Start of The Cold War

    Stalin openly declared incompatability between communisum and capatalism in early 1946 starting The Cold War
  • The Iron Curtain

    Churchill described the boundarie sperating (communist) Eastern Eruope from (capitalist) Western Europe as an Iron Curtain
  • The Truman Doctrine

    Truman designed a US policy of giving economic and military aid to free nations threateded by internal or or external opponents
  • Marshallplan

    Announced in June 1947 Secretary of state Geroge Marshall declared that the US would help rebuild Eroupean Contries after the war
  • The Berlin Airlift

    In June 1948, the Western Allies begin the Berlin Airlift, a massive operation of flying food and supplies into West Berlin to sustain the whole city
  • New Currency

    In June of 1948 Western Allies aagreed on a new circolation of currancy
  • James Bond

    Starting in 1949, Us and USSR began using spies, propaganda, diplomacy, and secret operations to outmaneuver one another
  • NATO

    In April 1949, Us joined with 10 Western European nations and Canada to from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) a defensive military alliance
  • USSR Admits defeat

    In May of 1949 the USSR admitied defeat by lifiting the blockade
  • USSR Strikes back

    In August of 1949 the USSR tested their first atomic bomb
  • Germany into NATO

    In 1954 West Germany was admitted to NATO which in turn resurected the fears of a strong Germany
  • The WarSaw Pact

    In 1955 the USSR created its own alliance called the war saw pact
  • Soviets Catching up

    Soviets designed an International Belistics Missle In August of 1957 which had the capability of hitting the US
  • Powers

    In May of 1960 James Powers was shot down in a spy plane over the USSR then was held prisoner for two years
  • The Berlin Wall

    The USSR set up The Berlin Wall to seperate West from East Berlin