Cold War

  • Chinese civil War

    it was a war fought between forces loyal to kuomintang and forces loyal to communist party of china
  • Berlin Blockade

    Was one of the first major international crisis of the cold war. They blocked the western allies railroads, and canal access.
  • Berlin Airlift

    At the end of the second world war british and sovit military forces split and occupied germany.
  • Formation of the NATO

    Formation of the NATO
    It was a North Alantic alliance. It is an intergovermental military allaince.
  • The NSC

    A top seceret paper issued by the united states national security. It was the most significant of american policys in the cold war.
  • Korean War

    It was the war where china fought for the north and the united states fought for the south. The war arose from the division of korea and ended with WWII.
  • Truman Fires Mcarthur

    Truman fired him because he had Problems with the flamboyant.In April 1951, President Truman fired MacArthur and replaced him with Gen.
  • Formation of the Warsaw

    Was a collective defense treaty amoung eight communist states.
  • Launching of Sputnik

    The world's first artificial satellite was about the size of a beach ball. It was launched by the soviet union.
  • Ccuban Missile Crisis

    President John Kennedy (1917-63) notified Americans about the presence of the missiles. 13-day political and military standoff in October 1962