Cold War and Conflict

  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The United Nations is an international political organization that was created to prevent another world war. The cause to make the United Nations was to prevent another world war from happening. In the end, the United Nations has been working because there has not been a WWIII.
  • Iron Curtain

    Iron Curtain
    The Iron Curtain was the division of the communist nations in eastern Europe and the West. The reason for this was because Truman wanted to stop the spread of communism. the outcome was the world war 2 era was over and the cold war was about to begin. It relates to the bay of pigs because this was to seperate communism and the bay of pigs was a way use cuba to spread communism.
  • Joseph McCarthy

    Joseph McCarthy
    Joseph McCarthy was a man that accused people of being part of the communist party. The cause was during the red scare soviets tested an atomic bomb and made china communists, and many believed that communists have infiltrated the government. The out come is that McCarthy had accused a list of 205 people of being part of the communist party. It was know as McCarthyism and many people got blamed of be a communist.
  • Truman Doctorine

    Truman Doctorine
    The Truman doctrine is when in march 12, 1947 Truman went before Congress to ask for 400 Million to fight communists and this speech became known as the Truman Doctrine. The cause of the need to have a speech was that Soviets were supporting Communism and the US didn’t want to spread. In the end, the US had stopped communism from spreading.
  • Containment

    Containment is a policy of keeping communism within its present territory through the use of diplomatic, economic, and military actions. The cause to the policy of containment is that the Soviets wanted to expand communism and have everyone become communist. In the end the policy of containment pulled off and never spread.
  • CIA

    The CIA was made to prevent the spread of Communism, Eisenhower decided to use covert operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency. The cause was to stop the spread if communism and the outcome was a success. The CIA is related to the Bay of Pigs because EIsenhower told the CIA to secretly train and arm the cuban exiles.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a plan to aid Europe. The cause was to prevent the spread of communism. This helped economically develop Western Europe. However communist parties did develop in Western Europe. This relates to the Berlin Airlift because the Marshall Plan wanted t stop the spread of communism. However this airlift allowed them to become rulers of the area and made it possible to spread communism.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was when planes delivered food, fuel, and other important items. These were delivered to West Berlin. All roads, railways, and canals going into Berlin were closed. This caused the U.S. to fly things into Berlin. The result was the roads were re opened. It relates to containment because they both delt with communism.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    The Red Scare was when a bunch of people were accused of being communists. It all started when Joseph McCarthy claimed he had a list of communists. The result was a lot of people lost their jobs for being a communist. A new act required all union workers to take an oath. Some unions refused to fire the communists. The CIO ended up expelling 11 unions because they didnt fire communists. This is realted to Sputnik because they were more focused on the space race then communism.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    This was a war foguht in Korea when American and Soviet forces went there to get the weapons from the Japaneese forces there. The south of Korea was controlled by American government and the north was a communist area. The war started when the troops in the north invaded the south. The war didnt really change much. The North stayed communist. This war is related to McCarthy becasue the war was faught over communism and McCarthy went and accused people of being communists.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was the the first artificial satellite created by the Soviets to orbit the earth. The cause was the soviets launched Sputnik on October 4, 1957 and this moment caused them to be ahead of us in the Space Race. The out come was that the U.S created NASA and the NDEA so help the U.S in the Space Race.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The Space Race was a race between the Soviets and the U.S to get their men in Space first. The cause is that during the Cold War Soviets and the U.S would all ways try and one- up each other to be better than the other. The out come is that the Soviets had won the Space Race in the eyes of many when Yuri Gagarin was the first man too walk on the moon. Also NASA was created by the U.S to try and get our men in Space as well.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    On April 17, 1961, 1400 armed cuban exiles landed in the Bay of Pigs in South Cuba. Castros men had captured or killed all the members of La Brigada. The cause was was to stop the spreading of communism and the out come was the the U.S looked weak and disorganized.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    This was when the Soviet Union started setting up nuclear weapons in Cuba. Sovit Union was planning on bombing the U.S but we realized what they were doing. The outcome was that they made an agreement. They said they would remove the missles if the U.S promised not to invade. It is related to hawks and doves because in this case they wanted to stop fighing. In hawks and doves they wanted to continue fighting.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    This was the first main battle between America and Vietnam. It was fought in South Vietnam. The reason the U.S got involved was because they felt this country was very important to defeat if they wanted to put a stop to communism. The result was that a lot of americans were killed however they were able to get peace in Vietnam and end the war. They got back their prisoners of war and left vietnam. As we were fighting the Soviet Union was back home working on the space race.
  • Hawks and Doves

    Hawks and Doves
    Hawks and Doves were people who wanted to keep fighting or stop fighting. The U.S was in a war with Vietnam and some people wanted to stay at war but at the same time, some didnt. People that wanted to stay at war were known as hawks and people who wanted to get out were known as doves. During this time however, the war went wrong and we went into shock and a crisis for a year.