
The Cold War

  • The Berlin Airlift of Hope. Slide 6

    The Berlin Airlift of Hope. Slide 6
    The Soviet Union blocked off most the Western Allies' ways of accessing parts of Berlin. Since these ways were blocked off, Western Allies were not able to transport items and goods to people in needed of basic neccessities in West Berlin. The Western Allies responded by using airlift or the "Berlin airlift" to supply those in need. This event was important because it showed that the Western Allies were strong and would not appease the Soviet Union.
  • Code Name "First Lightning".

    Code Name "First Lightning".
    On this day the USSR successfully detonates its first atomic bomb, under the code name "First Lightning". This was significant because the explosion was almost equal to the American's bomb called "Trinity".
  • The Second Red Scare and the Scare of "McCarthyism". Slide 9

    The Second Red Scare and the Scare of "McCarthyism". Slide 9
    With reports of communists spying and threatening national security in the U.S., it was easy for certain people in power to use this threat as a propaganda tool to enhance their career, such as Joseph McCarthy.This was an issue because people were living in paranoia and had their lives negatively compromised, due to the fact that he was able to accuse people for being communists on a small amount of evidence. For example, being a democrat or being gay would have been a sign.
  • Anti-communist Vs. Communist Korea.

    Anti-communist Vs. Communist Korea.
    The Korean War was fought on the 38th parallel which is what divides North and South Korea. The reason the war began was becuase during the Cold War, Commnism was seen as something necessary to stop and the U.S. felt they needed to help keep the anti-communist South Korea from being invaded by the communists.
  • Armistice Ends the Korean War.

    Armistice Ends the Korean War.
    The people's republic of China, North Korea and South Korea Korea agree to an armistice which ended the war that people thought would have started WWIII. Korea is still divided to this day and millions of soldiers died.
  • The Arrest of Rosa Parks , the Bus Boycott and the Road to Equality. Slide 12

    The Arrest of Rosa Parks , the Bus Boycott and the Road to Equality.  Slide 12
    An inspirational woman by the name of Rosa Parks from Montgomery, Alabama, sat in the white section of a bus and refused to get up knowing that she would be arrested. She became a symbol by making a statement that resulted in others also boycotting the segregation laws. This moment was significant to the Cold War era because it became symbol of hope for equality and eventually helped lead to ending the abuse of segregation.
  • The Space Race and the Fight for Power. Slide 10

    The Space Race and the Fight for Power. Slide 10
    When Soviets sent the second sputnik to space, it carried the first organic life form, which was a Russian dog, As the Soviets took the lead in technology this was a great concern to the U.S. during the Cold War because that meant that there could soon be space weaponry which would give the Soviets more power. This event was crucial because it eventually led to the U.S. having the first man on the moon.
  • The Rise of Woman's Liberation and the Fight for Gender Equality. Slide 29

    The Rise of Woman's Liberation and the Fight for Gender Equality. Slide 29
    The woman 's liberation was a series of campaigns fighting for gender equality. Woman during this time were not taken seriously, sexually harrassed, abused and much more. This movement is feminist and gave woman the power to speak out against the sexism and stop the stereotypes that women "should" portray, This event was the turning point that would eventually lead to gender neutrality and rights.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion.

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion.
    The United Stated Government used Cuban exiles to overthrow Fidel Castrow and to put an end to his communist rule. The CIA trained the exiles for the attack in Central America. The attack failed and only worsened the tension of the Cold War.
  • The Berlin Wall, used as a Tool for Captivity. Slide 6

    The Berlin Wall, used as a Tool for Captivity. Slide 6
    The Berlin Wall was constructed not to keep the enemies out but to keep it's citizens in. Since the wall was meant to keep people from leaving, people would try to find creative ways to escape, such as, digging under the wall. While some people made it out others were caught. This was significant because the wall stands as a symbol historically and for those who were affected by this captivity.
  • The Cuban Missle Crisis: When the Cold War got Hot.

    The Cuban Missle Crisis: When the Cold War got Hot.
    This conflict lasted 13 days and was between the U.S., the Soviet Union and Cuba. This event was considered a crisis in the Cold War beause of how close it came to a nuclear conflict. The nuclear war avoided when the U.S. promised Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev that they would not invade Cuba.
  • Tear Down the Berlin Wall!

    Tear Down the Berlin Wall!
    Once news was spread that people from East Germany could travel it was not long before the wall became useless. People began to tear down the Berlin wall with hammers and chisels. This day is memorable becuase it is a symbol of freedom and it reminded those how many lives were lost trying to escape this wall and now the people were free to travel and enter West Germany as they wish.
  • The Cold War Finally Thawed.

    The Cold War Finally Thawed.
    Once East and West were tearing down the Berlin wall, borders were opened, communist dictatorhsips began to fall like flies and the Soviet Union finally disintegrated. The Cold War was over and there was nothing left to fight. It was strange for people to not be in the Cold War anymore becuase of the paranoia that it caused and just becuase the this war was over, it did not mean that the world was safe.