
Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    • Passed in Quebec on march 24, 1937
    -Prevented Communist propoganda in Quebec -Act prohibited the use of a home or buisness to propogate comunism -In violation of the act the said home or buisness would be locked down for up to one year -Persons involved could be imprisoned for 13 months -Denied the right of freedom of speech to people -in 1957 the Law was taken away becuase it violeted Canadian Constitutional rights
  • Gouzenko Affair

    Gouzenko Affair
    Igour Gouzenko Affair -Soivet cipher clerk working in the Russian embassy in Ottawa walks out with 109 secret soviet documents -Igor Gouzenko tries to intrest Canadian officials with the documents -Gouzenko Deffects to canada. -Prime Minister King orders Canadian espionage trials -The intel leads to 39 arrests and 18 convictions -Gouzenko goes into hiding, and dies in 1982
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    -Russia blocks roads and train tracks leading into Berlin from June 24,1948 to May 12, 1949 -The Western allies (which includes Canada) can't get vital supplies to democratic Berlin. -The western allies start the Berlin air lift. -The allies flew over 400 flights a day to keep Berlin sustained -When the blockade was lifted the Soveits had been humiliated -The Air lift stockpiled more and more supplies incase of another blockade.
  • NATO

    -The North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 in Washington D.C
    • The original members were the United States, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, Iceland.
    -The alliences main purpose was to defend the north atlantic from communist agressors. -The treaty states that an attack against one member nation is an attack againt them all. -The member countries must provide aid, but the aid may or may not be of a military nature. -The Warshaw pact was the Russian Counter to NATO
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    -Between democratic South Korea and communist North Korea -North Korea Started the war by invading South Korea -The UN, United States, Canada, and the UK supported South Korea -China and Russia supported North Korean -U.S Threatened to use Atomic warfare -
  • The Suez Crisis/ Pearson wins the Nobel Peace Prize

    The Suez Crisis/ Pearson wins the Nobel Peace Prize
    -Suez Crisis started when the Egyptian president decided to nationalize the Suez Cannal -Britian, France, and Isreal formed an alliece to attack Egypt. -Cario was bombed by the Allies constantly -Canadian External affairs secretary Lester B Pearson proposed a cease fire
  • NORAD and DEW

    NORAD and DEW
    -Suggested by the joint Canadian-U.S Military team in 1957 -Approved by the U.S in febuary 1957 -Stands for North American Air Defense -Created to provide areospace defence for Canada And the U.S
  • Sputnik/ Canada's Space Program

    Sputnik/ Canada's Space Program
    -Sputnik was a 58 cm diamiter silver sphere -it was lunched into space by the Russians on October 4,1957 -Sputnik was the first satilite in space. this started the Space race, betwwen the americans and the Russians -Sputnik sent radio signals back to the Russians on Earth -Sputnik stayed in orbit for 3 months -Canada later coperated with the USA to create space detection tracking systems (SPADATS) Sputnik's Batteries ran out after 22 days.
  • Canada's Avro Arrow

    Canada's Avro Arrow
    -Was designed in 1953 -Created to intercept Russian bombers -One of the most advanced planes of its time -Designed by Canada's top scientests and Engineers -First flight was in 1958 -The rocket was desinged shorty after it so the Avro Arrow was abandoned.
  • Diefenbaker-Nuclear Weapons in Canada

    Diefenbaker-Nuclear Weapons in Canada
    -PM Diefenbaker struggled during his time as PM as to weather Canada should have nuclear weapons -Diefenbaker eventually agreed with the rest of NORAD and positioned nuclear weapons in Canada
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    -In 1963 Cubans had become a communist nation -Cuba became an allie of the Soviet Union -The Russians wanted to position nucear weapons in Cuba -The United States set up a Naval blockade of Cuba so that Russian ships couldn't deliver the missles -The U.S wanted Canada to thier army on high alert but we wouldn't -The Russians were cloese to pasing the American Blockade but they didnt -The world came pretty close to Nuclear War.
  • The Vietnam war/ Draft Dodgers

    The Vietnam war/ Draft Dodgers
    -The Vietnam war involved China/North Vietnam VS South Vietnam and the U.S -Canada was not involved -The U.S wanted to fight communism as much as it could so they tried to stop it in vietnam -U.S citiznes were conscripted into the armie -Some U.S citizens came to Canada to avoid going to the armie. -Canada kept them safe even when the U.S wanted them
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union