Cold war

Cold War

By fmeny
  • European Economic Cooperation

    European Economic Cooperation
    This co-operation emerged from the Marshall plan. It worked on a joint recovery plan to keep recovery going after WWII. They had 18 participating countries. HS: It helped Euopean countries that needed to be helped. It included France Gerce Italy and Turkey.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was a impartant for people that were in west berlin. They needed the resources that we would droop. HS; it helped to keep people alive in west berlin and to fight against the Soviet Union
  • Explosion of the first hydrogen bomb

    Explosion of the first hydrogen bomb
    Eniwetok was the place of the first hydrogen bomb being set off. The U.S. was the place that set of an hydrogyen bomb. The U.S. only were ahead of the soviet union for a short period of time because they created it in 1949. HS: The U.S. had a major weapon that could win them the war.
  • Brezhnez

    Leonoid Brezhnev was a strong political power in the soviet union he was also Nikita Khrushchev successor. He took part in the peace treaty with the west as Khrushchev had. HS: One of the first from the Soviet Union help his people in a politcal way since Stalin. Birth: Dec. 19,1906- Nov. 10 1982
  • Berlin Wall was created

    Berlin Wall was created
    The berlin wall was created to keep people in western Berlin because they were leaving to go to eastern berlin to make more money and have happier lives. HS: The berlin wall sealed off the entiern western half from getting awaay easily. The wall was origionaly only 15 feetm by the time the war ended it waas 28 miles. Around 2.5 million people were between the years of 1949 and 1961.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In the year 1962 the month of october the soviet union had planted missiles in cuba. During the onee of the weeks in oct.the U,S. made a blocade surounding Cuba, telling the sovieiits that they needed to get their missiles out. HS: the date of october 28 the Soviet Union Krushchev agreed to remove the missiles.
  • Chernobyl

    The Chernobyl disaster was the Soviet Unions nucleur power plant. It's people, crops, plants, and animals were in exposure due to some deadly radiation that had been exposed to a wide area. HS:Lead to the disccussion of the benifts and hazzards of a nucleur power plant.
  • Berlin Wall torn down

    Berlin Wall torn down
    The berlin wall was a great historical image from the cold war and communists rule. Stalin built this so that he could enfore that his people stayed in his country. HS; Stalin made it clear that he wanted to be kept there. People were in shock of the borders opening. When it was finaly torn down.
  • End of the USSR

    End of the USSR
    The soviet Union collapse was a shocker to most people. Its collapse lead to make 15 different countries. The fall lead to a huge political power change. HS: Millitary alliances changed drasticaly.