Week 1 tblt logo2

CLT - Task-based

  • CLT History

    Taking the european language needs, a group of experts developed a language course in "portions of units´ky" that corresponds to learner's needs using a preliminary book (Authors-Wilkins and group of experts)
  • CLT Syllabus

    Wilkin's document proposed a functional or communicative definition of language that served as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching.
  • 1976

    The book had a big impact. With this syllabus, the council of Europe incorporates his semantic and communicative language sylllabus in textbooks. It becames a Communicative Approach / Functional Approah / Notional - Functional Approach. And, it is recognized like the best approach until now.
  • 1978

    Halliday and Dell Hymes with other linguistics focused that sociocultural context is important to behavior, beliefs, objects of linguistic discussion and word choice.... "communicative competence".
  • 1980

    Canale and Swain described the four dimensions of communicative competence: gramatical competence (grammar,lexical); sociolinguistic competence (social context, purpose of communication); discourse (interpretation ofthe message); strategic (the strategies someone use to communicate).
  • 1983

    Yalden describes the current classification of communicative syllabus types (models). There are 8 but we are going to talk about just one- TASK BASED.
  • Period: to


    It was referred by Prabhu.
    Materials are games, role-plays, students interaction, pair - communication.
    Realia: authentic materials - signs, magazines, advertisements, others.
    Classroom procedures (presentation of a brief dialog or mini-dialogs; Questions/Answers based on the dialog; oral practice engage in similar task; discover expressions in context, generalizations, functional structure; oral or written production activities or receptive activities like reading or listening).