Clare Basler

  • 1st month of pregnancy

    1st month of pregnancy
    LinkThe baby will grow about 1/10th of a centimeter each day!!!!! The mother won't even know she is pregnant until she misses her 1st period. The mother's blood volume will increase 50%. The mother will experience extreme exhaustion through the first few months of pregnancy. Sources: All pictures came from Google. I made sure they were not copyrighted before i chose them for my pics. All written info came from The Womb video, and birth defects came from March of Dimes and my Child Developement Book
  • 2nd month of pregnancy

    2nd month of pregnancy
    Pic LinkBy 6 weeks, it is almost an inch long. 1st trimester may be uncomfortable for mom. She will experience morning sickness, heartburn, and possibly lower back pain. Marfan is a common birth defect in newborns. It is a disease that affects connective tissue. Generally, people with Marfan disease are very tall and have very slinder limbs. Marfan can be treated by a team of skilled professionals who will examine and do tests to make sure the heart, lungs, and eyes are functioning properly.
  • 3rd month of pregnancy

    3rd month of pregnancy
    Picture LInkThe baby's body starts to twitch. The baby's heartrate beats faster than it's mother's because it is not yet controlled by the brain. The mother will usually have a first ultrasound at this time to establish an accurate due date. Miscarriages are most common withing the first three months. The mother needs to make sure she eats healthy and gets plenty of rest and moderate excersize. Teen moms generally need more nutrients because they are still growing.
  • 4th month of pregnancy

    4th month of pregnancy
    Pic. LinkThe baby is usually 5 and 1/2 inches long by this time. The doctor performing the ultrasound may be able to guess at the sex of the baby. The baby's movements are now controlled by the brain and nervous system. The mother may become aware of the baby's movements for the 1st time. The second birth defect I looked up is Rh disease. Rh destroys the fetus's red blood cells. It is treated by inducing labor early, phototherapy, or blood transfusions.
  • 5th month of pregnancy

    5th month of pregnancy
    Pic. LinkDuring the 5th month, the mom needs to have rutiine check ups and talk with her doctor about eeverything going on. Babies can be born with many types of birth defects such as Cerebral Palsy. This causes the chilld's motor skills to be slow. The brain damage itself can not be treated, but the symptoms can be treated by physical therapy.
  • 6th month of pregnancy

    6th month of pregnancy
    Pic. LInkThe baby can survive outside of the womb. The senses will flicker to life. The mother will become more aware to movement of the fetus. She becomes more active and feels good. Another birth defect is down syndrome. This is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21. There is no known cure for Down Syndrome.
  • 7th month of pregnancy

    7th month of pregnancy
    Pic. LinkStrong flavors of food the mother eats the baby can taste. The baby can open and close it's eyes. Another birth defect is Muscular Distrophy. The mom needs to make sure she stays calm because high blood pressure can cause many complications. This is transmitted by female carriers of the gene, but it only effects males. There is no known cure.
  • 8th month of pregnancy

    8th month of pregnancy
    Pic. LinkTHe baby will swollow a pint of amniotic fluid each day. They can suck their tumb and the child has already chosen if it will be right or left handed. The mother will feel discomfort during this stage of pregnancy. SHe may also be very short of breath due to the baby putting pressure on the lungs. The mother needs a checkup twice a month.
  • 9th month of pregnancy

    9th month of pregnancy
    Pic,. LinkThe baby will triplie in weight and double in length. It is possible to hear the heartbeat through the mothers abdomen. The baby's brain is beginning to create memory. If the mother remains calm, both she and the baby will have lower blood pressure. The mother will hopefully have gained 35 pounds to have a healthy delivery and baby.
  • The Baby is Born!!!!!

    The Baby is Born!!!!!
    LinkThe mother will experience contractions and pain during birth.