
Civil War Timelines ; Dakota & Karelly

  • Fort Sumter

    The Confederacy easily won this battle. This was the very first battle of the war. It encouraged many Northerners to join the Union Army. By 1862, more than 700,000 men had signed up to fight. This battle took place in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
  • Bull Run

    This was a difficult win for the Union. The battle took place in Manasas. Lincoln called for an attack on Western Virginia. Union general led 35,000 troops out of D.C. The Union troops pushed the south back, but then "Stonewall" ordered a counter attack.
  • Fort Donelson

    This was a very easy win for the Union. The union had surrounded Confederate forces, 13,000 Confederates surrendered. At the end of this battle, the Union had captured the Confederate capital.
  • U.S.S. Monitor vs. C.S.S. Virginia

    Neither side one , because both of their ships were destroyed. This was a very difficult battle for both sides. Yet, the Confederacy upgraded their ships.
  • Shenandoah

    Jackson's troops hid and escaped 30,000 Unuion troops that were chasing them. This kept pressure off Confederate's Capital (Richmond). This resulted in the capture of 2,000+ Union prisoners. This was an easy win for the Confederacy in Shenandoah Valley.
  • vicksburg

    the union won this battle . it was difficult to win this battle . they did not like to loose . so he got his troops & directed them to the east . they marched 180 miles & won 5 battles . then later he sieged until vicksburg finally surrended
  • fort wagner

    the confederacy won the battle . it was an easy win . the union had lost the battlle when the confederacy repulsed the union attack against the fort . it impacted people .
  • shermans march to the sea

    the union won . it was an easy win . "total war" - desined to break the spirit of confederacy to take the war to the average southerner that there will no longer be fights .
  • appomattox courthouse

    the union won , it was an easy win . Lee finally surrundered to Grant . Soldiers surrendered & went home .