Civil War Timeline by Kat & Lexi

  • Fort Sumter

    First battle of war.
    Encouraged a lot of northeners to join the union army.
    Key moment for the north. Location: Charleston Harbor, South Carolina
  • Bull Run

    Because of the counter attack, it was the first time they union troops reported hearing a scream coming from the Confederacy line.
    "Rebel Yell"
    Union fled the capitol of the Confederacy for a year.
    Union didnt go after Richmond. Location:Manassas
  • Fort Donelson

    The union captured Fort Donelson.
    13,000 confederate troops were captured.
    It was a difficult win for the union. Location: Fort Donelson
  • Monitor vs Virsinion

    Marked end of wooden war ships.
    This battle was a tie with the confederacy and the union. Location: Charleston, Wilmington, North Carolina
  • Shiloh

    Bloodiest battle of the war thus far.
    The union was over confident.
    they were surprised that they were attacked of the woods.
    End of the southern control of the mississippi valley. Location: Southwest Tennessee
  • Antietam

    Union defended Maryland. Location: Shiloh
  • Shenandoah

    102,000 rifles gained by the confederacy; was a very easy win for them.
    Location: Shenandoah Valley
  • Gettysburg

    23,000 troops died.
    28,000 confederate troops died.
    This battle was a turning point on the war. Location: Gettysburg,PA