Civil War Timeline 5

  • Civil War Prison Camps

    Civil War Prison Camps
    In 1862 this system broke down and caused the creation of large holding pens for prisoners in both the North and South
  • January 1863 Emancipation Proclamation is issued

    January 1863 Emancipation Proclamation is issued
    President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation was issued on January 1, 1863. It gave freedom to slaves 50,000 slaves in 10 states then in rebellion.
  • March 1863 -- The First Conscription Act.

    March 1863 -- The First Conscription Act.
    This act was passed for all men between the ages of 20 and 45 liable for military services. The act was called unfair
  • 54th Massachusetts Regiment

    54th Massachusetts Regiment
    The 54th Massachusetts was organized in 1863 at Camp Meigs, Readville, Massachusetts. The Fifty-fourth was the object of great interest and curiosity, and its performance would be considered an important indication of the possibilities surrounding the use of blacks in combat. The regiment was composed primarily of free blacks from throughout the north, particularly Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.
  • Resistance by Slaves

    Resistance by Slaves
    Slaves would pretend to be sick, they would refuse to do work and would destroy farm equipment, set fire to buildings, and steal food. These were all individual acts rather than part of an organized plan for revolt, but the objective was to upset the routine of the plantation in any way possible.
  • July 1863 – the Battle of Gettysburg

    July 1863 – the Battle of Gettysburg
    In July of 1863, General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia of 75,000 men and the 97,000 man Union Army of the Potomac, under George G. Meade, concentrated together at Gettysburg and fought the Battle of Gettysburg.
  • July 4, 1863 – The siege of Vicksburg

    July 4, 1863 – The siege of Vicksburg
    This expedition was commanded by Brigadier-General Stephen D. Lee. At Hayne's Bluff the army boarded boats and arrived at Deer Creek on March 25, 1863, where earthworks were constructed. On April 29, 1863 the enemy attacked with their gunboats, which continued through May 1, 1863.
  • November 19, 1863 – The Gettysburg Address

    November 19, 1863 – The Gettysburg Address
    The Gettysburg Address was a speech Abraham Lincoln spoke which started out by saying “For score and seven years ago”
  • July 1864 -- Confederate Troops Approach Washington, D.C.

    July 1864 -- Confederate Troops Approach Washington, D.C.
    Confederate General Jubal Early led his forces into Maryland to relieve the pressure on Lee's army. Early got within five miles of Washington, D.C., but on July 13, he was driven back to Virginia.
  • March 1964 – General Grant commander of all the Union Armies

    General Grant lost 72,000 men but grant was unshaken and planned to fight the whole summer.