Civil war

Civil War TImeline

  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

  • Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln Elected
    Lincoln won the the election of 1860. This was significant because it represented a changing point in the war and the South was beginning to rebel.
  • Fort Sumpter

    Fort Sumpter
    The battle that officialy started the Civil War, being very significant symbol in the war. The Confederates attacked the Union on this island and eventually the Union surrendered to the Confederates.
  • Lincoln orders blocking of the South

    Lincoln orders blocking of the South
    The event of Lincoln announcing the fact that the North was going to block off all of the Southern Ports was huge. He wrote a proclomation and shared it with the public. It had such a huge effect on the war because it was one of the North's biggest stratagies for winninge war.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    First big war fought in Virginia between the two sides. The confedereates ended up having the victory, bet were to weak to persue the Union. This was an important icon in this war because it was the first large battle, and gave the Confederates a win.
  • Monitor vs. Virginia

    Monitor vs. Virginia
    The battle against Moniter and VIrginia ending in a stale mate; it was significant because it was the first big battle using ironclads and new techonlogy.
  • Shiloh

    First major battle on Union soil; it was significant becase it showed the war was growing and expanding their bounderies and that both sides were willing to fight anywhere.
  • Seven Days Campaign

    Seven Days Campaign
    The seven days campaign was a fight led by the North in an effort to attack the Southern capitol of Richman. It lasted seven days. Over the course of the battles, the North won most of them, but because of their low reaction rate, they ended up losing a victory to the South. This was very important because if the South had lost, their capitol would of been in the command of the North, putting the North at a huge advantage.
  • Antietam

    The Union attacked the South in order to create the single most bloody battle in the war. The South was outnumbered 2 to 1 and ended up surrendering. This was significant in terms of the Union having a large victory and eliminating a ton on Confederate soldiers.
  • Emancipation Proclomation Issue

    Emancipation Proclomation Issue
    The issue of the Emancipation Proclimation was a huge event that as a large contribution to the civil war in the way that President Lincoln announced that slaves were no longer slaves and were to be freed. This event was one of the largest contributes the war because without it, the South probably would of continued to stay put as part of the Union. The North though, forced the south to give up their beloved slaves, causing the CIvil War.
  • Second Bull Run

    Second Bull Run
    The battle was a much larger scale then the first battle; Offensive battle for the confederates- significance: it gave the Confederates stratagies to help with the war.
  • Emancipation takes Effect

    Emancipation takes Effect
    Abraham Lincoln speech saying that no matter what happens, the country will stay together; inspirational and important because it helped give both sides hope and started to reunite the country. It also allows the South to quit slavery.
  • Chancellorsville

    Lee's Perfect Battle; he divided his forces and won against the bigger force of the Union: Major win for the South and put them at an advantage.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Confederates attacked the Union near the town of Gettysburg, and after three days of fighting, lost a great battle to the Union. Both sides were wearing down when in the end, the South's battle forces were weakend. The Union's victory came at the cost of several thousand Confederate deaths. This is considered such a large war because of the fact that the Confederates lost so many people and a ton of ground they had gained from earlier battles..
  • Vicksburg

    The Union forced Confederates soldiers into Vicksburg, effectlivly cutting the South in half. The Confederates ended up surrendering and gave the North and advantage because of the fact that the country was split in two.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Abraham Lincoln speech saying that no matter what happens, the country will stay together; inspirational and important because it helped give both sides hope and started to reunite the country.
  • Chattanooga

    The Union attacked the south and after a few days of fighting, eventually took over their supply station and captured Lookout Mountain. This was important for the North in order for them to start cutting of supplies to the South, and allowing them to get more supplies for their army.
  • Grant takes over leading the Union

    Grant takes over leading the Union
    Abrahman Lincoln was in need of a new battle leader for his army. to do so, he needed to choose a person who knew what he was doing, had an analytical mind, and could work under pressure. Ulysess S. Grant was the ideal choice. Grant was hired as head of the Union in 1864. This was a crucial move because it allowed the North a chance at winning. Without Grant, the North probably would of lost.
  • Atlanta

    The Union attacked the Southern part of te country by cutting off raillines to the cilty of Atlanta, and making it so that it could not function properlly. This was important for the Union because without it, they would have one of the largest cities in the South still funcitioning.
  • Lincoln Realected

    Lincoln Realected
    Lincon won the election of 1864 beginning his second term as President. Because of his leadership position, he was able to try and put a stop to slavery again and try and with the war.
  • March to Sea

    March to Sea
    Shermen and his men left Atlanta and traveled to Savanah while leaving a huge path of destruction on his way; beginning of the end of the war.
  • Savanah Falls

    Savanah Falls
    General Sherman overtook the Fort in the city of Savanah and after fifteen minutes of fighting, the Union won the battle and took over the town; it was all part of a ten day seize. The significance of the war was that becase Savanah was gone, it was pretty much all over and the Confederates were almost done with the war.
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    The Thirteenth Amendment was the end to slavery. It stated that no force could be used to make a worker do a job; this was important because it stated that slavery was over the North was winning.
  • Union Moves to Richmond

    Union Moves to Richmond
    Union takes over Confederate Capitol. This is when the Union invades Richmond and occupies Richmond. This is significant because it helped the Union finish the war off. It is the beginning of the end of the war.
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    General Lee and Grant both met and discussed the war. At this meeting, Lee surrendered his army and the Union won the war.
  • Lincoln Shot

    Lincoln Shot
    Abraham Licoln was shot on April 14th, 1865 by John Wilkins Booth. This ended his presidency and a wonderful leaders life. He died later that night and because of this, the South was punished for their actions instead of being graciously accepted back into the union, and he had planned.