Imgres 10

Civil War Timeline

By ckerper
  • Period: to

    Civil War Timeline

    Timeline about important events that happend during the Civil War.
  • Abe Lincoln is elected President

    Abe Lincoln is elected President
    Lincoln was eleceted President in a close election
  • Battle at fort sumpter

    Battle at fort sumpter
    The battle of Fort Sumter was the first battleground of the civil war
  • Blockade of South

    Blockade of South
    Lincoln signs the proclomation to blockade the south
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    Was the first major land battle of the civil war.
  • Monitor vs. Virginian

    Monitor vs. Virginian
    It was the first meeting of Ironclads fighting. Most important naval war in the civil war era. The confederates were trying to get rid of the union's blockade, blocking them from international trade.
  • Shiloh

    The Union didn't expect the attack and they seemed to be losing, but then more troops arived and they won.
  • 7 days Campaign

    7 days Campaign
    the seven days campaign was a six battles over a seven day period of time
  • Second battle at Bull Run

    Second battle at Bull Run
    75,000 of the unions men are defeated by 55,000 confederates
  • antietam

    It was one of the most brutal battles in american history, union win
  • Emancipation procumation Issued

    Emancipation procumation Issued
    The Emancipation procumation was issued
  • Emancipation takes effect

    Emancipation takes effect
    all the slaves in the south are freed
  • Vicksburg

    The north takes control of the Mississippi river.
  • Chancellorsville

    General lee battled General Joseph Hooker, He was out numbered two to one and he still one
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The confederates tried to take over union land, they failed at their attempt. This was the last time the confederates tried to take over union land
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    Lincoln gave the Gettysburg address.
  • Battle of Chattanooga

    Battle of Chattanooga
    There were three battles that took place near or in the town of chattanooga, this is the last one
  • grant takes over union

    grant takes over union
    Grant takes over Union army.
  • Sherman Captures Atlanta

    Sherman Captures Atlanta
    Sherman was trying to take over Altanta, Georgia, they were trying to capture the important rail and supply center there
  • Sherman begins march to the sea

    Sherman begins march to the sea
    Sherman captures Atlanta and ensures lincolns reelction and the continuing of the civil war
  • Abraham re-elected

    Abraham re-elected
    braham lincoln is reelcted president.
  • Savanah Falls

    Savanah Falls
    Shermans troops captured Savvanah Georgia.
  • 13 ammendment

    13 ammendment
    It outlawed slavery in all states
  • Occupy richmond

    Occupy richmond
    Union troops capture Richmond Virginia.
  • Lee surrenders

    Lee surrenders
    He surrenders after having been cut off from their retreat from Richmond. End of civil war
  • Lincoln Shot

    Lincoln Shot
    John Booth, shoots Lincoln at the ford's theater at 10:13 P.M