Civil War - Lantry and Lim

  • Ft. Sumter

    Ft. Sumter
    The first shot was fired from the Confederacy, beginning the Civil War, the reason being is that they were having tensions already but then they decided to end all of the nonsense in terms of questioning the opposing sides methods.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    The Confederacy held back the Union forces, eventually driving them back.
  • Battle of Glorieta Pass

    Battle of Glorieta Pass
    The main battle was mainly on the 28 of March and this had 2 victories, strategic for Confederacy and tactical for Union. The purpose for the battle was to cut off the Unions control of the West.
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    This was a fight led by General Johnston in which they (Confederacy) attacked General Grant's (Union) forces at Pittsburg Landing. The Confederacy THOUGHT they could win but they failed as the Union had better weapons, even though the Union wasn't prepared for attack. This was a major loss for the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The North was able to fend off General Lee's invasion on their territory, and Lee was really outnumbered but held his lines after the battle. This was basically the deadliest fight in the Civil War.
  • Battle of Sabine Pass

    Battle of Sabine Pass
    This battle like a lot of the others was an attempt to strengthen the Union Blockade, lead by Fredrick Crocker. This battle also was a good way to bombard the town of Sabine Pass, and the Union again won.
  • Battle of Galveston

    Battle of Galveston
    In this battle the Union attempted to blockade the Galveston Harbor to further set back the Confederacy in the war, and what do you know, the Union succeded in capturing Galveston Harbor, and that was even worse for the Confederacy.
  • Emancipation Proclamtion

    Emancipation Proclamtion
    This act ordered by President Lincoln set all the slaves free, no matter what, and they were free to do whatever.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    This was the turning point of the Civil War in which the Union gained control of the Mississippi River, cutting off supplies to both sides of the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    General Lee had another go at trying to invade the Northern territory but it was again a failed attempt and afterwards never decided to try and invade the North again.
  • Red River Campaign

    Red River Campaign
    There were 4 objectives for the Union in this:
    - Destroy the Confederate army led by Taylor
    - Capture Shreveport, Louisiana
    - Confiscate hundreds of bales of cotton
    - Organize gov'ts in the area
    What do ya know, the Confederacy won in defending this area!
  • Union Blockade

    Union Blockade
    Just to be honest I couldn't find the exact date but this is the final year it was. The Union basically blocked the Gulf to cut off supplies from other countries so the Union would have more of an advantage on them as this plan was really effective in terms of what the Union was going for.
  • Lee's Surrender

    Lee's Surrender
    This was also known at the Appomattox Campaign, in which the Confederacy finally had given up in the Civil War and had surrendered to the Union General Grant. There were just too many casualties to count for the Confederacy and therefore Lee had to surrender.
  • Battle of Palmito Ranch

    Battle of Palmito Ranch
    This battle was fought along the banks of the Rio Grande River in which nobody really intended and the Confederacy won... I guess they didn't settle their differences quite yet...