Civil war

  • Harper's Ferry

    John Brown and his sons and other followers raided an armory in Harper's Ferry Virgina for weapons. His plan was to distribute these weapons to slaves to start a slave revolt. The revolt was unsuccesful and he wsa tried for tresaon and hung.
  • Lincoln's first Election

    Lincoln becomes 16th president of the US as a Republican. South scared he will radicalize the governement.
  • South Secedes

    Election of Lincoln sparked succesion. SC, Miss., FL, AL, GA, LA, TX, VA, NC, TN, AK
  • Confederacy Established

    Reps from seceded states meet and form their own government: Confederacy. Jefferson Davis named president.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First major battle between Union and Confederacy. Union loss
  • First Confiscation Act

    Act to authorize union seizure of rebel property. The act also freed all slaves who fought or worked for the Confederacy.
  • Trent Affair

    US Navy captured 2 confederate envoys aboard the Trent (British ship). Violates the British neutrality and it becomes a diplomatic crisis.
  • Lincoln's re-election

    North completely supported Lincoln, overwhelming. Issues with the war
  • Monitor vs Merrimack

    Monitor is the union ship and the Merrimack is the Confederate ship. First battle between iron clads. Started a new era in naval battle.
  • Battle at Shiloh

    Confeds launched surprise attack on Union army lef by Ulysses S Grant. Union won
  • Capture of New Orleans

    Major union victory that cut off all outside trade for Confederacy.
  • First income Tax

    Bill passed for income taxes to fund Civil War. Signed by Lincoln, taxes on items consumed and traded.
  • Second Confiscation Act

    Act that stated that any confederate official that didn't surrender to the Union within 60 days could have their slaves freed.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Single most bloody day of American battle in history. Considered a Union victory. Lincoln removed McClelland as Union general for being to cautious and reserved.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Freed all slave in Confederate states. Meant to cripple Confederates.
  • National Draft Law Instated

    Draft provided more troops forthe Union army. All male citizens and immigrants that applied for citizenship between 20 and 45 yrs old.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Grant surrounded and beseiged Vicksburg trapping Remberton's Confederate army. Split the confederacy in half.
  • Capture of Atlanta

    Union captured Atlanta under gen. Sherman. Destroyed major rail hub in ATL, Sherman's march to the sea
  • Sherman's March to the Sea

    General Will Sherman marches 60,000 soldiers from Atlanta to Savannah 285 miles. Weren't very violent just scared civilians.
  • 13th Amendment

    Formal amendment for abolition of slavery.
  • Capture of Richmond

    Biggest Union victory, very bloody. Grant captures confederate capital
  • Surrender at Appomattox

    Lee's army surrenders and so does rest of Confederacy. No official treaty but end of war.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Shot by John Wilkes Boothe in Ford's Theatre in DC. Confederate plan to kidnap and take to Richmond