Civil War

  • South Carolina secedes

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Edwin M. Stanton named secretary of war

  • Lincoln removes McClellan for lack of aggressiveness. Burnside's drive on Richmond fails at Fredericksburg

  • Lee defeats Hooker at Chancellorsville; “Stonewall” Jackson, Confederate general, dies

  • Union victory at Vicksburg mark the war's turning point. Union general George H. Thomas, the “Rock of Chickamauga,” holds Bragg's forces on Georgia-Tennessee border

  • Ulysses S. Grant named commander-in-chief of Union forces

  • Civil War

    Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas follow, forming the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as pMississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas follow, forming the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as president (Jan.–March).
  • Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox.