
Civil War

  • Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

    Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
    Thomas Jefferson and James Madison crated these revolutions to protest against the Federalist Alien and Sedition Acts.
  • Hartford convention meets during War of 1812

    Hartford convention meets during War of 1812
    This convention was a meeting of the problems in the war of 1812 . The New Enlan federalists group led the way in all topics.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The missuri compromise was that any land above the 36° 30´ was free states and below it were slave states. With the missouri compromise missouri became a slave state but maine was added as a free state.
  • Tariff of Abominations passed

    Tariff of Abominations passed
    The tariffs that were passed were to promote stimulation of northern states economy. But the tariff in 1828 pushed the north citizens to do their best work to beat the south.
  • South Carolina tries to nullify

    South Carolina tries to nullify
    South Carolina tried to nullify the Tarrif of Abominations because it only benifited the north and its industries and economically hurt the south. South Carolina wanted to disolve the union
  • Aboltition of slavery Act

    Aboltition of slavery Act
    In 1833 Parliament passed a further act to abolish slavery in the British West Indies, Canada and southern Africa. Therefore it was now illegal to buy or own a person.
  • Texas declares independence from mexico

    Texas declares independence from mexico
    On this day texas declared itself free from mexico and gained itss independence. They got this because mexicos lost ment that land was now U.S. terriorty.
  • James Polk Elected

    James Polk Elected
    Mr. James Polk was the U.S's 11th president, he hd a tough time in Tennesse. But other than that he was elected presidant and later died in office.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    The mexican war was our real first try at manifest destiny, but the whole war wasnt just to take over all their land and become a major super power. We wanted texas but they wouldnt give it to us, so it was a fight for it.
  • Wilmont Proviso

    Wilmont Proviso
    The wilmont proviso was andidea created by David Wilmont, he said "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist" in lands won in the Mexican-American War.
  • Fugative slave law enacted

    Fugative slave law enacted
    The fugative slave law passed in 1850- and stated that any run-away slaves must be returned into their owners.
  • Califrnia enters the Union

    Califrnia enters the Union
    California entered the union as the 31st state, but also a non-slave state with the victory during the mexican war.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet Stowe hated slavery and one day she sat down about how bad slavery really is. The book sold over 500,00 copies and she became a hero in the north and most wanted in the south.
  • Formation of Reublican Party

    Formation of Reublican Party
    The formation of the Republican party was out of rage and angry due to the Kansas- Nebraska act. Large public meetings were held in numerous Northern communities, some of which used the term “Republican.”
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act Passed
    The Kansas-Nebraska act allowed people in the areas or Kansas and Nebraska to choice wheter they wanted to have or dont have slavery. But still didnt allow slavery over the 36, 30 line.
  • "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence

    "Border Ruffians" attack Lawrence
    In May 1856, a band of Border Ruffians crossed the border from Missouri and attacked the free-soil community of Lawrence, Kansas. Also known as "Bleeding Kansas".
  • Charles Sumner attacked

    Charles Sumner attacked
    On this day charles sumner was attacked. The man that nearly killed sumner was a man named Preston Brooks. Brooks nearly beat sumner to dealth due to his speach about anit-slavery. Brooks was known as a hero down-south.
  • Pottawatomie Creek

    Pottawatomie Creek
    On this night John Brown and his free-state volunteers brutily murdered five men that were for slavery. But these five men werent slave owners themselves, they just thought slavery was ok.
  • Lecompton Constitution passed

    Lecompton Constitution passed
    The Lecompton Constitution enshrined slavery and received the support of President James Buchanan.
  • Dred Scott decision announced

    Dred Scott decision announced
    On this day the supreme court decided that dred had no freedom and was still a slave. Also with this the supreme court decided that blacks has no rights and were possession not people.
  • Raid at harper's ferry

    Raid at harper's ferry
    John Brown and his crew tried taking over Harpers Ferry and taking thre guns. His plan was take the guns and give them to the run away slaves. He was lkater caught the next morning and was put to dealth.
  • Lincoln and Douglas Debates

    Lincoln and Douglas Debates
    THe debates between these two men went back and forth. The debates were about slavery and who would win the election for Illions represntative.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The presidental election came down to Lincoln a republican, Douglas a northern democrat, John C. Breakinridge southern democrat and John Bell constitutional union. The voting was in and Lincoln became resident.
  • Democrats split

    Democrats split
    The democratic party split after the election of Lincoln. The democrates had a lot of dis-agreements about it and it soon became a big enough deal for people to split apart.
  • Abraham Lincoln inaugurated

    Abraham Lincoln inaugurated
    Abraham Lincoln is elected the 16th president of the United States over a deeply divided Democratic Party, becoming the first Republican to win the presidency. Lincoln received only 40 percent of the popular vote but handily defeated the three other candidates.
  • Formation of Constitutional Union Party

    Formation of Constitutional Union Party
    This union was formed by the U,S. government and also had people from the the know-nothing group. The leader of tis union was John Bell who tried running in the 1860 election but lost.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    December 20,1860 South Carolina Secedes When Abraham Lincoln was re-elected in 1860, South Carolina’s 169 delegates unanimously agreed to secede from the Union, repealing the Constitution and its amendments.
  • Attack on fort sumter

    Attack on fort sumter
    On April 10, 1861, Brig. Gen. Beauregard, in command of the provisional Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina, demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. The next day union returned fire, which prevoked the fight till April 13. When later that day the union surrrendered.
  • Virgina Secedes

    Virgina Secedes
    Virginia seceded from the Union. On April 16th, the delegates met in secrecy, passing the Ordinance of Secession the next day .
  • 1st battle of Bull run

    1st battle of Bull run
    This was the first major land battle of the armies in Virginia. The union was winning most of the battle, but the serge of the confederates came in a late win.
  • Battle of the monitor and the merrimac

    Battle of the monitor and the merrimac
    The battle of the monitor and the merrimac was a battle with two new weapons brought to the fight.One was the monitor and that was a a 987-ton armored turret gunboat, was built at New York to the design of John Ericsson. The merrimac was in the Gosport navy yard and converted it into an iron-clad ram,
  • McClellan Returns after the Peninsula Campaign

    McClellan Returns after the Peninsula Campaign
    McClellan’s original plan was to land on the Rappahannock River so that his troops would be closer to Richmond but Johnston started to move his troops to the river. This forced McClellan to instead land at Fort Monroe and march on to Richmond. Spring 1862.
  • Battle of shiloh

    Battle of shiloh
    The battle of shiloh resulted in a victory for the Union. But both sides paid the price estimated Casualties 23,746 total (US 13,047; CS 10,699).
  • 2nd battle of Bull run

    2nd battle of Bull run
    The confederate forces were victorious, there were many dealths during this battle. There was 22,180 casualties. Of those, 13,830 were Union soldiers.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    On September 16, 1862, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan and his Union Army of the Potomac confronted Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia at Sharpsburg, Maryland. Mccellan led his army to victoryu over Lees big army.
  • Lee surrendes Commission

    Lee surrendes Commission
    Robert E. Lee gradutedfrom military school with no dedcutions, but after a few years for the US army he decided it wasnt for him. He quit the army and then started his own army down south.
  • Battle of Fredericksburg

    Battle of Fredericksburg
    The Battle of Fredericksburg, fought December 11-15, 1862, was one of the largest and deadliest of the Civil War. It featured the first major opposed river crossing in American military history. And with nearly 200,000 combatants, no other Civil War battle featured a larger concentration of soldiers.
  • Emancipation Proclamation takes effect

    Emancipation Proclamation takes effect
    On this day in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signs the final Emancipation Proclamation, which ends slavery in the rebelling states.
  • Battle of Chanellorsville

    Battle of Chanellorsville
    Th battle of chancellorsville was more of a hit and run war untill the end. Again the confederates pulled out another win, Lee was now on a roll.
  • Battle og gettysburg

    Battle og gettysburg
    Turing point of the Civil War. The Union army beat the Confederates and the Confederates lost military and political control. Days later, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Surrender of vicksburg

    Surrender of vicksburg
    Vicksburg surrendered to the Union July 4, 1863 which gave the Union control of the Mississippi River. With this win the Union was now getting closer to catching and ending the conderates.
  • Battle at fort wagner

    Battle at fort wagner
    At dusk July 18, Gillmore launched an attack spearheaded by the 54th Massachusetts Infantry, a black regiment. The unit’s colonel, Robert Gould Shaw, was killed. Members of the brigade scaled the parapet but after brutal hand-to-hand combat were driven out with heavy casualties. Confederates pulled out with the W.
  • Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln Delivers Gettysburg Address
    In just 272 words, Lincoln brilliantly and movingly reminded a war-weary public why the Union had to fight, and win, the Civil War.
  • Atlanta burns to the ground

    Atlanta burns to the ground
    Atlanta burns tothe ground was all thanks to shermans army. They followed the scorched earth policy and burned everything so the cinfederates couldnt have any of it.
  • Grant at cold harbor

    Grant at cold harbor
    In the overland campaign of 1864, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant with the Army of the Potomac battled General Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia for six weeks across central Virginia. At the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna and Totopotomoy Creek, Lee repeatedly stalled, but failed to stop, Grant's southward progress toward Richmon
  • Sherman set out for the sea

    Sherman set out for the sea
    William T. Shermans to the Marchto the Sea, was the most destructive campaign against a civilian population during the Civil War. Sherman's march to the sea was the beginning of the end for South Carolina. After capturing Atlanta, Sherman marched his army to the sea, capturing the city of Savannah in December.
  • Sherman reaches Savannah

    Sherman reaches Savannah
    On this day Sherman and his army of the union finally reached Savannah, Geaorgia. The journey has taken over 2 months. Well in the process burning down Atlanta.
  • Lincoln delivers 2nd inaugural address

    Lincoln delivers 2nd inaugural address
    On this day lincoln gave another sppech addressing the union and telling the people the war was close to over.
  • The confederate Capital falls

    The confederate Capital falls
    In the last days of the Civil War, the Confederate capital of Richmond falls after nine months under siege. General Lee and President Jefferson Davis flee the city as Union forces advance to reclaim Virginia.
  • Surrender at appomattox

    Surrender at appomattox
    General Robert E. Lee was surrounded. He knew it was over. The Confederates were largely outnumbered with only 100,000 men. After Lee and Grantshook hands, Grant sat down to tell Lee of his terms of the surrender. Lee then asked for those terms to be written down on paper.