Civil War

  • Forming of Confederate States

    Forming of Confederate States
    Jeffeson Davis becomes president of the Confederate States of America once Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas follow South Carolina's secession.
  • Start of War

    Start of War
    Confederates initiate the beginning of the war with firing at Fort Sumpter.
  • Completion of Confederacy

    Completion of Confederacy
    11 states complete the Confederacy after Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina secede.
  • Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson
    The first important win of the war is by Grant for Union at Fort Donelson.
  • Battle of Bull Run

    Battle of Bull Run
    Robert E. Lee wins victory at the second Battle of Bull Run.
  • Gettysburg

    Lee has the greatest loss of the war when the Confederates attempt to invade Gettysburg.
  • March of the Sea

    March of the Sea
    March of the Sea begins as Grant forces Lee's army toward Richmond.
  • End of War

    End of War
    At Appomattox, Grant forces Lee to surrender.