
Cival War Events

  • The Missouri Compromise

    It divided the twenty two states evenly between slavery and free states, which of course the south or soon to be confederate army wanted slavery which led to the civil war
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    The Mexican War

    We went to war with mexico for Expansion to the west, President Polk beleived in Manifest Destiny. At first The Unied States Declined Texas after it claimed independence because the northern politics didnt want another slave state.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    Division over slavery in the territory we gained in the mexican american war were solved witrh this compromise. it made laws admitting california as a free state, and creating utah and new mexico with a question of slavery.
  • The fugitive slave act of 1850

    an act that said which state caught the run away slaves had to return them to their owners
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Created the two new territories Kansas and nebraska with the possibiity of slavery
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Pro slavery settelers came to kansas mostly from missouri. They made groups such as Blue Lodges and were dubbed border riffiians. A group Abolitionists Known as jay hawkers moved east with a purpose of making kansas a free state. Their rivalry grew more intense and reached a state of low intensity civil war
  • Bleeding Sumner

    The senator of massachusetts Charles Sumner began a two day speech which he dinounced "The Crime Against Kansas". "It is rape in a virgin territory". He continued to denounce alot of southern senators. He accused senator butler of south carolina of "taking the Harlot, Slavery" for his "Mistress" and Butlers nephew Congressman Preston Brooks from south carolina caught sumner at his desk and beat him on the head with his cane.
  • Dredd Scott Decision

    He brought his case into the court systems in 1847, it took ten years for it to finaly reach the supreme court, he was considered a free man but the supreme court said that he may be free but africans cannot be a US citizen
  • John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia

    The aboilitionist john brown Raided the town and took the arsenal, they stayed there until the US marines lead by Robert E. Lee and he killed alot of Browns men and captured him, he went on trial and received the death penalty
  • Election of 1860

    There were 4 canidates The republican was Abraham Lioncoln, The Democrates were Stephen a. Douglas and John c. Breckinridge and there was John bell who was with the constitutional Union.
  • South Carolina Suceeds from the union

    They voted after lincoln waas elected, they perceived a threat to their slave system
  • battle of fort sumter

    The Confederate army had tried to get the union to surrender and leave but they refused. so the next day they stated shooting at the fort, it went on for a while and then the union finaly gave up and left the fort supprisingling no one died.
  • The unions anaconda plan

    It was an idea of General Scotts plan, originaly was one of diplomatic and miltary encounters.
  • Battle of Antietam

    The union army went over a bullet shrewn stone bridge at antietam. ust as the Federal forces began to collapse the confederate.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    After their win at Antienam Abraham Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation, declaring all slaves in the rebellious states “shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” It did not free a single slave it was a turning point in the reason to fight the war, to battle for human freedom.
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    Battle of Gettysburg

    The most important battle in the civil war. General Robert E. Lee marched his army into pennsylvania and clashed with the union army, later lees forces hit them from both sides. On July 3, Lee ordered an attack by fewer than 15,000 troops on the enemy’s center at Cemetery Ridge it was known as Picketts charge they peirced the unions defenses but eventually failed and had to withdraw
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

    Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. it was to frighten Georgia’s civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause.
  • Confederate Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse

    General lee of the confederate army was surrounded by General Grant of the union and had no choice but surrender