Cival War

  • Declaration of Independance

    When the 13 colonies finally go ttheir freedom from Great Britain
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    This act forced any federal official who did not arrest a runaway slave liable to pay a fine. This was the most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850 and caused many abolitionists to increase their efforts against slavery.
  • The Mexican War Ended

    , America was ceded western territories. This posed a problem: as these new territories would be admitted as states, would they be free or slave?
  • uncle toms Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin was the best-selling novel of the 19th century[7] and the second best-selling book of that century, following the Bible.[8] It is credited with helping fuel the abolitionist cause in the 1850s.[9] In the first year after it was published, 300,000 copies of the book were sold in the United States; one million copies were sold in Great Britain.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    was a bill that mandated “popular sovereignty”–allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new state’s borders. Proposed by Stephen A. Douglas–Abraham Lincoln’s opponent in the influential Lincoln-Douglas debates–the bill overturned the Missouri Compromise’s use of latitude as the boundary between slave and free territory.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    lost his case proving that he should be free because he had been held as a slave while living in a free state. The Court ruled that his petition could not be seen because he did not hold any property. But it went further, to state that even though he had been taken by his 'owner' into a free state, he was still a slave because slaves were to be considered property of their owners.
  • Charles Sumner is Attacked by Preston on the Floor of the Senate

    One day later, violence occurred on the floor of the U.S. Senate. Pro-slavery Congressman Preston Brooks attacked Charles Sumner with a cane after Sumner had given a speech attacking the pro-slavery forces for the violence occurring in Kansas.
  • John Brown Raided Harper's Ferry

    led a group of seventeen including five black members to raid the arsenal located in Harper's Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia). His goal was to start a slave uprising using the captured weapons. However, after capturing several buildings, Brown and his men were surrounded and eventually killed or captured by troops led by Colonel Robert E. Lee. Brown was tried and hanged for treason.
  • Lincoln's Election

    The election served as the immediate impetus for the outbreak of the American Civil War. The United States had been divided during the 1850s on questions surrounding the expansion of slavery and the rights of slave owners.