Choice Board Timeline

By 1316790
  • Model T Comes Out

    Model T Comes Out
    The Model T was one of the first products to be made through the assembly line. It allowed people to travel greater distances and faster. It also allowed people to live farther from work.
  • Henry Ford comes up with the assembly line

    Henry Ford comes up with the assembly line
    The assembly line divided operations into simple tasks and it allowed products to be made faster.
  • Invention of long range radio

    Invention of long range radio
    Edwin Armstrong invented the special circuit that allowed sound to be transmitted across long distances. This allowed the United States to be connected like never before.
  • The New KKK

    The New KKK
    The "new" Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1915 and they opposed Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and African Americans. They wanted to preserve America's white, protestant civilization and by 1924 it had reached over four million members.
  • 18th Amendment Passed

    18th Amendment Passed
    The 18th Amendment was passed which banned the sale, manufacturing, and transportation of alcohol. It was passed because people saw alcohol as the root of problems in society. While it reduced the consumption of alcohol, it caused violent crimes to rise.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    The Emergency Quota Act restricted admission to the US to 3% of the total number of people in an ethnic group already living in the nation.
  • Washington Naval Confrence

    Washington Naval Confrence
    Conference where Charles Evans Hughes recommended a 10 year halt on the construction of warships. He also proposed that some ships be destroyed. A treaty was eventually signed by the US, Great Britain, France, Japan, and Italy.
  • Teapot Dome Scandal

    Teapot Dome Scandal
    The Teapot Dome Scandal was broke by the Wall Street Journal which exposed President Harding's secretary of the interior Albert B. Fall. Fall leased Navy oil reserves in Teapot Dome, Wyoming and Elk Hills, California in return for bribes.
  • National Origins Act

    National Origins Act
    The National Origins Act made the quota for immigrants 2% of each national group represented in the Census of 1890.
  • Native American Citizenship Act of 1924

    Native American Citizenship Act of 1924
    The Native American Citizenship Act of 1924 gave Indians citizenship and the right to vote. However, many states still refused to allow them to vote.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    Tennessee teacher John T. Scopes taught his biology class the theory of evolution. This was outlawed in Tennessee at the time, Scopes was arrested and convicted.
  • First Transatlantic Flight

    First Transatlantic Flight
    Charles Lindbergh made the first transatlantic flight going from New York to Paris in 33 and 1/2 hours. It allowed people to see the possibilities of commercial aviation.
  • First "Talkie" Movie

    First "Talkie" Movie
    The Jazz Signer was the first "talkie" movie which featured about 25% of it being "talkie". This was a big deal at the time all movies were silent films with people playing music.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    15 nations, including the United States agreed to a pact where all nations agreed to abandon war and settle disputes by peaceful means.
  • 21st Amendment Passed

    21st Amendment Passed
    After 13 years the 21st Amendment ended Prohibition. Many thought that Prohibition would improve society and solve problem, but it didn't.