Chinese Inventions

  • 150

    Industry: Paper

    Industry: Paper
    By the second century C.E., paper was mot likely made from hemp and then the bark of the mulberry tree. For a long time China was the only area to know the secret of making paper. Eventually, the information traveled to Europe around 1100.
  • Period: 150 to Dec 31, 1400


  • 300

    Exploration/Travel: Compass

    Exploration/Travel: Compass
    The first ever compass was made by a magnetic mineral called lodestone. It was figured out that the Earth was like one giant magnet. Since lodestone is magnetic as well, it was attracted to the North and South Poles allowing people to navigate easier.
  • 550

    Exploration/Travel: Innovation On Paddlewheel.

    Exploration/Travel: Innovation On Paddlewheel.
    People used to travel by boats very often. Before the innovation, people were still able to travel around but at a much slower rate. So the Chinese put a series of paddle in the wheels to increase their speed. Some boats still have them today but back then they were powered by humans walking on tredmills.
  • Feb 12, 650

    Industry: Printing

    Industry: Printing
    In about the 7th century a style of printing called woodblock printing was created and used. The printer would write symbols and carve the paper on a wooden block. They would then carve out the wood leaving the charcters raised on the wood.
  • Feb 17, 750

    Industry: Tea

    Industry: Tea
    Tea has been around since 2700 B.C, but tea became much more popular as a regular drink instead of just being for medicine in the 8th century. With this tea making became an industry. Traditions are still followed today by growing them at 4,000 feet. Then cutting the leaves and letting them dry out.
  • Feb 12, 850

    Millitary: Gunpowder

    Millitary: Gunpowder
    Gunpowder was discovered by accident when Alchemists while experimenting with a mineral called saltpeter. Combined with charcoal and sulfur this created gunpowder.
  • Feb 17, 1000

    Exploration/Travel:Canal Lock

    Exploration/Travel:Canal Lock
    During the song dynasty, before the new locks were created people used to have to drag their boats up stone ramps which was difficult and could damge the boat. These locks solved the prolem. When a boat entered the canal it would either unlock or lock allowing the water level to rise to the needed height.
  • Feb 12, 1279

    Military: Rocket Technology

    Military: Rocket Technology
    In the Song dynasty age in China, rockets were powered by a black powder (Gunpowder), They were originally used for fireworks but later used for rockets they could use in wars. This led to the invention of a two-stage rocket. One part to launch in the air, the second to rain down arrows.
  • Feb 12, 1300

    Military: Explosives

    Military: Explosives
    In the 13th century, after the discovery of gunpowder, large bombs asnd explosives like the ones today were created. They also created gernades, and bombs that can be thrown by hand. Around the same time they invented weapons like the cannons and rifles that are similar to todays.