Child Labor by Megan Ortiz

  • New England Association

    New England Assaciation of farmers, mechanics, and other working men officially condemns child labor. (
    Explanation: Now many began to see the negative about child labor.
  • Massachusetts Limits

    Massachusetts limits children to work 10 hours per day many states do the same but are not consistent in enforcing thier laws. (
    Explanation: States began to set laws to slowly end child labor but only some states would see the true dilemma and enforce the laws.
    ( I only know the year of the event which is 1842 the month and day I do not know.)
  • Working Men's Party

    The Working Men's Party proposes prohibiting the employment of children younger than 14. (
    Explanation: Now in 1876 the Working Men's Party compromised to get closer to stopping child labor.
    ( The date below is not correct I don't know the exact date of this event. All I know is that it was in 1876. I do not know the month or day.)
  • Mother Jones

    Mary Harris Jones-known as Mother Jones went to Pennsylvania to support a strike by 75,000 textile workers. About 10,000 of the strikers were children. (CL.4)
    Explanation: Thanks to Mother Jones many began to realize the injustice of child labor leading to many going on strike.
    (The correct date is 1903. I could not find a exact date so January 1st many not be the correct month or day.)
  • Progressive Reformers

    A group of Progressive Reformers founded the National Child Labor group.(
    Explanation: Many created groups to rebel and fight against child labor.
    (The date is 1904. I am not sure on the exact date I only know the year.)
  • Keaton's Owen Child Labor Act

    Event: The Keating-Owen Child Labor Act, the first child labor act, the first child labor bill was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. (
    Explaination: The president Woodrow Wilson signed a bill to end child labor.
  • Struck Down

    The Keating-Owen bill was struck down.
    Explanation: But many didn't want to change so the law was struck down leading to the progression of child labor.
    (I only know the year not the month or date of the event, the event took place in 1918.)
  • Walsh-Healey Act

    The Walsh-Healey Act sets safety standards, minimum wages overtime pay and child labor provisions on all federal contract. (
    Walsh-Healey Act set boundaries and protected kids from mistreatment in the work place.
    (The year is correct but the month and day is not.)
  • Senator Tom Harkin

    Senator Tom Harkin first proposes the child labor Deterrence Act .(
    Explanation: Tom Harkins was the first to propose the idea of a act that will stop child labor.
  • Survey

    In the 2008 survey it stated 34 workers die under the age of 18 in a work place. (
    Explanation: Even in times like 2008 child labor still appears.
    (I am not sure on the exact date I do know this was in 2008.