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child development, daleisha lamar, 1st hour

  • August 5 2009, Happy birthday

  • 4 months

    physical development: lifeted her head to try and see who i was
    social & emotional development: my little cousin and i always played peek a bo and pancake and she loved it
    congnitive development: making her bottle she always started to cry or kicked her legs
  • 8 months

    physical develpmemt: she wll always grabs my hand and tries to chew on my fingers
    social & emotional development: everyone that was i her sight she would look at them with a mean mug
    conginative development: wakes up early in the morning making noise and playing with toys
  • 12 months

    physical development: she didnt like to go to sleep during the day
    social & emontional development: everytime we feed her she would dump her food out
    congnitive development: bounces to her favortie song
  • 12 to 18 months

    physical development: her walking was begining to get better
    social and emotional development: when her mom went outside she started crying
    congnitive development: when iit was time to go she always said hi
  • 2 years old

    phyiscal development: know how to go to the bathroom without help
    social and emotional development: loves to give hugs and kisses
    congitive development: get happy when she hears her mother voice
  • 18 to 24 months

    physical development: she was 30 pounds
    social & emeotional development: always said no
    congtivie: she learned how to sing her ABC's
  • 3 years old

    phyiscal development: she was walking really good
    social and emotional development: the things she culdnt get she would get mad through a fit
    congitive development: loved to sing her favorite song ( right thru me by nicki minaj)
  • 4 years old

    physical development: get her self dress
    social & emotional development: she gets really happy when someone her age comes over and plays with her
    intellectual develoment: she loves to talk
  • 5 years old

    physical development: gets on bikes with training wheels
    social and emotional development: haves a full converstion with the children thats her age
    intellectual development: i think she will be bossy
  • 6 through 8 years old

    physical development: likes to draw shapes and write numbers
    social and emotional development: i think she wont pay any attention to her enemy
    interllectual development: i think she would love to read and talk
  • 9 thorugh 11 years old

    physical development: i think she will be 5"7 and stop growing
    social and emotionl development: i think she would be a tom boy
    intellectual development: she probaly want to be a police because she always ask people whats wrong and are you okay at the age of 3