Child Abuse

  • Orphan

    an orphan girl in Georgia was rescued from a home where she was sexually abused
  • California

    The first rape conviction in Calfornia reached the state Supreme Court.
  • Mary Ellen

    10 year old Mary Ellen was removed from her home for cruelty and provided protection by the New York Court system.
  • Children Without Protection

    many children
    wentwithout protection, although therewas never a timewhen childrenwere
    completely bereft of assistance.
  • Child Protection

    Its not till this year that the world devoted an organization on child protection
  • Social Work

    Social work came under the influence of physcology and physcoanalysis, increasing the focus on individual patholgy as opposed to sociopolitical orgins of social problems
  • Child Abuse Reporting Status

    The first child abuse reporting statutes were explored at a national conference sponsored by the federal Department of Health.
  • Childrens Bureau

    in response to The Battered Child, the Children's Bureau held a symposium on child abuse, which produced a recommendation for a model child abuse reporting law.
  • Battered Child Syndrome

    the California Court of Appeals recognized the Battered Child Syndrome as a medical diagnosis and a legal syndrome in People v. Jackson.
  • Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act

    Is passed by the U.S. Congress, creating the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect and other steps designed to increase children's rights and reduce child neglect and abuse.
  • Genie

    Genie was the victim of extraordinarily severe abuse, neglect and social isolation. Her circumstances are recorded prominently in the annals of abnormal child psychology.
  • Kern County

    The Kern County child abuse cases started the day care sexual abuse hysteria of the 1980s in Kern County, California.The cases involved claims of pedophile-sex-ring-performed Satanic ritual abuse, with as many as 60 children testifying they had been abused.
  • Twin Myths

    The twin myths – that family preservation supposedly is unsafe and leads to children languishing in foster care – lead Congress to pass the so-called Adoption and Safe Families Act.
  • Clayton

    Was severly abused by his parents at age 6, and he is a surviver from being abused.
  • NACC

    the NACC adopted Recommendations for Representation of Children in Abuse and Neglect Cases.