Georgia road map

Checkpoint 1

By 1whazel
  • Period: 15,000 BCE to 7000 BCE


    They lived before and through the Pleistocene Ice Age. Came to new world from Asia on the land bridge between the new world and Asia.
  • Period: 8000 BCE to 2000 BCE


    There are two Archaic time periods one in North America and one in Greece. The North American Archaic period had three time periods within it early, middle, and late Archaic periods.
  • Period: 1000 BCE to Oct 20, 900


    The Woodland period was when many trends started. Also they learned many different tactics.
  • Period: Oct 20, 800 to


    The Mississippian time period was located around the mid-western and southeastern. They spent most of live outside because their houses were mainly for shelter.
  • Jan 10, 1500

    Hernando de Soto

    He was a Spanish explorer that was born around 1500 AD and he was the man that found the Mississippi river and most of the south east states. He died in North America around 1542 AD after he caught a fever from crossing the Mississippi river.
  • Period: to

    John Reynolds

    He was a officer for the Royal Navy and served a period as royal governor of the Province of Georgia from 1754-1757. He shortly died after he was moved up to admiral.
  • Georgia founded

    It was the last of the 13 original British colonies that was established. They had some hardships and blamed it on rum, lack of land ownership, and lack of slaves.
  • Charter of 1732

    Before this came up the government was ran by trustees. Once the charter was signed they had a true government.
  • Salzburgers Arrive

    It was a group of German speaking protestant colonists.
  • Highland Scots Arrive

    They came over on the Prince Of Whales Ship, bound for Georgia. If it was not for the Scots they think Georgia would of been a Spanish territory.
  • Period: to

    Henry Ellis

    He was the second royal governor of Georgia because of that he was called "Georgia's second founder.". He also captained a ship before he was governor that transported slaves from Africa to Jamaica.
  • Period: to

    James Wright

    He was the third and last royal governor serving from 1760-1782. James was also was a lawyer and once he was done with being governor he went and practiced law again.
  • Elijah Clarke/ kettle Cr.

    Elijah Clarke was a Revolutionary war hero that was born in 1742 and died in 1799. he survived through the revolutionary war with several battle wounds, smallpox, and mumps
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution was a political upheaval which took place when the thirteen colonies were still there.There were many protest that went on during this time.
  • Austin Dabney

    He was a slave that fought against the British in the Revolutionary war. In 1786 he was the only African American in that time to be granted land it was 50 acres.
  • Constitutional Convention

    55 Delegates from all the states came together in Philadelphia to right the Constitution. The majority were attorneys and other were planters and merchants.
  • Georgia Ratifies Constitution

    Georgia Ratifies Constitution
    They called a special convention in Augusta to consider signing it. Georgia was the fourth state to sign the constitution.