CHC 2D1 WW2 Timeline Project 1939

  • Merchant Navy

    Merchant Navy
    VideoDuring WW2, a total of 12,000 men and women served in Canada’s merchant navy. A merchant navy carries supplies and personnel. More than 25,000 merchant ship voyages were made during the war. On August 26, 1939, the Royal Canadian Navy took control of all shipping. When the war began, Canada had 38 ocean going ships and by the end of the war had 410. Approximately 1,500 Canadians died, including 8 women and 59 Canadian registered ships were lost.
  • The Battle of the Atlantic

    The Battle of the Atlantic
    VideoThe battle of the Atlantic (Sept.39-May 45) was the longest battle of WW2. U-boats were the main sorce of this conflict as they were sinking Allied supply boats. There were many technological advancements that aided each side. The advancements although led to more deaths. With 4500 people dead, the battle had the highest fatality rate with 1/7 hurt or killed. Someone that died was Flight Lieutenant David Hornell. Hornell was awarded the Victoria Cross.
  • The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan

    The British Commonwealth Air Training Plan
    In 1939 World War 2 broke out, Canada singed a deal that stated Canada would provide training facilities for airmen. The Royal Canadian Air Force had to recruit instructors, build bases, acquire aircrafts and develop training schools. The BCATP employed about 39,000 employees. Canada paid about half of the total cost. The Canadians trained about 60,000 personnel. The BCATP was very successful and graduated 131,533 students. Video