Chattopadhyay Giver Vocab Chapter 7-12

  • Recollection

    Definition: a memory; something remembered or recalled
    Sentence: A recent recollection that Trevor had was about the math test that he had failed.

    Synonym: memory, remember
  • Profound

    Definition: intellectually deep; showing a lot of knowledge
    Sentence: I had a profound thought about the philosophy of language.

    Synonyms: intellectual, knowledge
  • Prestige

    Definition: status or influence; importance based on reputation
    Sentence: The queen has a very high amount of prestige.
    Synonym: powerful, important
  • Sheepish

    Definition: shy, bashful
    Sentence: John was a very sheepish boy as he would not talk to anyone easily.
    Synonyms: shy, bashful
  • Serenly

    Definition: peacefully and calmly
    Sentence: Anna serenely told John to stop running around like a maniac.

    Synonym: peacefully, calmly
  • Avert

    Definition: turn away
    Sentence: When you lie to someone, you usually avert your eyes away from the person you are talking to.

    Synonym: turn, away
  • Hastily

    Definition: hurried and rush
    Sentence: I hastily completed my task at hand as I want to go home check out the new show that they are releasing on the CW.
    Synonym: hurried, rush
  • Indolence

    Definition: Laziness
    Sentence: My indolence prevented me from finishing my assignment.

    Synonym: laziness
  • Unnerving

    Definition: unsettling and upsetting
    Sentence: John unnervingly told me that my best friend had just died
    Synonym: unsettling, upsetting
  • Requisitioned

    Definition: to demand or take
    Sentence: A requisition that I told Trevor was that he had to give me back my dollar.
    Synonym: demand, take
  • Conspicuous

    Definition: noticeable; easy to see
    Sentence: John was conspicuous in the crowd as he was the only one wearing an orange jumpsuit.
    Synonym: noticeable, seeable
  • Tenatively

    Definition: uncertainty and hesitantly
    Sentence: I tentatively signed the contract because of some of the agreements I had to make I didn't like.
    Synonym: Uncertainly and hesitantly
  • Torrent

    Definition: a swift-flowing stream of something
    Sentence: The torrents in the river made it extremely dangerous to travel there
  • Self-Consciously

    Definition: uncomfortably; showing you're embarrassed
    Sentence: I self-consciously messed up the speech that I was presenting to my class and teacher.

    Synonym: uncomfortably, embarrassed
  • Obsolete

    Definition: no longer useful
    Sentence: League of Legends is obsolete as no one plays it anymore.

    Synonyms: useless, irrelavent
  • Unweildly

    Definition: Difficult to carry or handle.
    Sentence: It is unwieldy to carry a skyscraper.

    Synonym: difficult, hard
  • Wincing

    Definition: Shrinking back involuntarily
    Sentence: The wincing of the plant was scary.
    Synonym: shrinking, smaller
  • Fretful

    Definition: uneasy or distressed
    Sentence: I felt fretful about the test as I didn't study for it and I wasn't at school the day we went over the material for it.
    Synonym: uneasy, distressed
  • Admonition

    Definition: Warning
    Sentence: I got an admonition from my mom stating that if I forgot to clean my room again, I will get my phone taken away for 2 weeks.

    Synonym: warning, threaten
  • Relinquished

    Definition: Gave up, let go
    Sentence: I relinquished my old phone as it wasn't working properly.

    Synonym: lose, rid