Charles Darwin

By DaganRD
  • Period: to

    Charles Darwin

    The lifetime of the scientist most known for his work on evolution.
  • Voyage on the Beagle

    Voyage on the Beagle
    On this date Charles Darwin departs on his 5 year voyage to survey the coastlines outlined in the photograph. Charles Darwin was specifically offered the position as a naturalist, and spent his time on the journey making observations of marine life forms, as well as other observations. During this voyage Charles Darwin makes notes about the movement of land over long periods of time, and even uncovers fossils of extinct species.
  • Natural Selection Theory is Born

    in October 1838 after reading through Mathus on Population and making objections about it the theory of natural selection is born. Charles Darwin suggests that through struggles different variations of species with favorable traits breed to create new breeds of animals. Below is a video outlining the theory
  • The Origin Of Species Publication

    On this date Charles Darwin publishes his book that suggests that all mammals had similar origins, and that different circumstances caused different animals to adapt. The book suggests that this may be the reason for different races of humans, however does not outright contradict creationism.
  • Coronary Thrombosis

    After struggling with illness for a major portion of his life Charles Darwin was diagnosed with what is now known as coronary thrombosis. This eventually lead to the heart failure that ended his life.