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Charles Darwin - 12 February 1809 - 19 April 1882

  • HMS Beagle Voyage

    HMS Beagle Voyage
    In 1831, Darwin became a passenger on the HMS Beagle and sailed around the world. While on the trip Darwin studied birds, plants and fossils.
  • Return to England

    The voyage ended in 1836 and Darwin returned to England. He started to write his findings and develop a theory about the origin of living things.
  • The Origin of Species

    The Origin of Species
    In 1859, Darwin published his theory in the book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." In the years to come DNA studies would provide evidence for Darwin's theory.
  • Death of Charles Darwin

    Death of Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin died in London, on April 19, 1882. He was buried at Westminster Abbey.