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Character Color Timeline

  • Episode 1

    Episode 1
    In episode 1, Clara is wearing a black outfit depicting her sadness on the doctor who changed. The doctor in this episode is wearing white to show is innocence of being in a new body.
  • Episode 1

    Episode 1
  • Episode 2

    Episode 2
    In episode 2, The doctor has to face his arch enemy the daleks. He wears a dark shirt depicting his hate towards them, but also a white shirt to show his caring/sensitive side as well.While Clara is wearing a vibrant red shirt to depict her ferocious side and courageous attitude towards the doctor
  • Episode 2

    Episode 2
  • Episode 3

    Episode 3
    In Episode 3, The doctor Meets robin hood .The doctor wears dark/solid colors like red and black to depict his sense of reluctance and solidity. He purely believes that robin hood is fake and won't change. by the end he changes his attitude and wears different colors. Clara Wears an orangish red to show off her vibrant and wonder side as she believes in robin hood.
  • Episode 3

    Episode 3
  • Episode 4

    Episode 4
    In episode 4, its more of a darker episode so the doctor and Clara wear Darker clothes
  • Episode 4

    Episode 4
  • Episode 5

    Episode 5
    In episode 5, The doctor and Clara visit another place so the focus of the episode isn't on them as much, hence the plain colors
  • Episode 6

    Episode 6
    episode 6 is more based on the school and so the man characters need to blend in. The doctors plain browns color gives us a subliminal message of ordinary life, while clara wears green and red. green is generally a neutral color but the red lipstick gives off a sense of action that will be taken.
  • Episode 6

    Episode 6
  • Episode 7

    Episode 7
    Clara and The doctor are wearing similar clothes to show the bond they have and what side they represent.
  • Episode 8

    Episode 8
    in episode 8, The doctor and Clara are on a fancy mission so the doctor is wearing a nicer jacket and clara is wearing a golden dress. This signifies a sense of luxury away from all the crayzness that is soon flipped.
  • Episode 9

    Episode 9
    Again the doctor and clara are wearing plain clothes since they aren't the main focus of the episode
  • Episode 10

    Episode 10
    Episode 10, the world is overrun with trees. The doctor wears his typical black clothes while clara has on grey and yellow. the grey helps the yellow pop and the yellow signifies her intelligence she uses.
  • Episode 10

    Episode 10
  • Episode 11

    Episode 11
    In episode 11, Clara loses someone dear to her and is willing to due anything to fix it. So, clara color scheme is darker red and black to signify anger and despair while the doctor has his usual outfit on to signify his normal control over the situation.
  • Episode 11

    Episode 11
  • Episode 12

    Episode 12
    Lastly, episode 12 is where clara grows a little and her character develops a hardness, so she wears all black and the doctor remains the same.
  • episode 12

    episode 12