Chapters Timeline

By lwest
  • 400

    Pacific Northwest Civilizations begin

    Pacific Northwest Civilizations begin
    The Toltec and The Inca Aztec have begun around this time.
  • Period: 400 to

    Chapter Timeline

  • Nov 1, 1200

    Toltecs & Aztecs Fall

    Toltecs & Aztecs Fall
    Around 1200 a.d. the toltec and aztec civilization were both taken over by nomads.
  • Nov 23, 1499

    Colubus explores indies

    Colubus explores indies
    christopher columbus had explord the indies as he called it.
  • Jamestown

    100 men arive in north america in new england, they started a colony in the town of jamestown
  • jamestown forms assembly

    jamestown forms assembly
    the people of jamestown finally form an assembly and make laws.
  • Pilgrims

    pilgrims begin to seattle in plimith
  • Ohio Valley

    Ohio Valley
    Governor orders french to leave Ohio valley
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
    The freanch surrenderd finaly to the british
  • The Acts

    The Acts
    by this date,the stamp,proclomation, and township acts have all been passed.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre, a man who was tempting a british officer who had struck him formed a mob and started screaming at 8 officers. the officers accidentaly opened fire on these people, killing a few, and several wounded.
  • Decleration of independence

    Decleration of independence
    THe decleration of The United States Of America is sighned and passed on this date
  • Attack on Trenton

    Attack on Trenton
    George Washington lead men into the british camp trenton and attacked and killed british soilders
  • First president

    First president
    our first president george washington is enogerated into office
  • Bill Of Rights

    Bill Of Rights
    the bill of rights is added in this year by our new and first government.
  • Lousiana

    America purchases the louisian area from the french, this leads to the adventure of lewis and clark.
  • Embargo

    The Government passes the embargo act, this stoped american ships to stop traiding with the french