Chapter 20

  • 1481

    Portuguese fort established at El Mina (Ghana)

    El Mina was located at the heart of a gold-producing region, and it was the most important Portuguese trading factory in the forest region of Africa. Forts such as this one were important because they allowed the Portuguese trading empire to have secure landing places and commerce. The Dutch would seize this fort in 1637, representing the growing competition between Portugal and other European nations.
  • 1562

    Beginnings of English slave trade

    The English slave trade was pretty much the trans-Atlantic slave trade, which meant that the beginning of their involvement in the trade affected a lot of Africans. While their role may not have been as big as Portugal, they still imported a lot of slaves from their colonies in the Caribbean and North America. Along with this, England would eventually come to play the hey role in ending the slave trade a few centuries down the line.
  • Dutch establish colony at Cape of Good Hope

    The Dutch establishment at Cape of Good Hope was important because the settlers there, also known as Boers, would push further inland which would cause conflict. It was originally created to serve as a port for ships but large farms soon developed. they enslaved local Africans for labor and their expansion led to a series of wars between the San and Khoikhoi populations. They continued to push northward, and their colony great with the addition of slaves and native peoples.
  • Period: to

    Osei Tutu unifies the Asante kingdom

    Asante was established on the Gold Coast among the Akan people, and the Okoyo clan predominated. Osei Tutu unified and expanded the empire through conquest thanks to some military reforms. Asante was an empire that would benefit from the slave trade, as they exported both slaves and gold Tutu was able to unify the kingdom by taking the title of asantehene and creating a union that linked all of the clans, which was symbolized in his golden stool.
  • Rise of the kingdom of Dahomey

    The kingdom of Dahomey developed from the Fon (Aja) peoples, and they responded to the European presence by accepting their firearms and goods in return for African slaves. Dahomey also expanded and as they did the customs and royal families of the areas they conquered would be eliminated. Trade was controlled by the royal court, and they often turned to the cycle of firearms and slaves.
  • Abolitionist movement gains strength in England

    Opponents of slavery begin to appear by the end of the 18th century such as Jan-Jacques Rousseau and Adam Smith. These were both enlightenment thinkers and the Enlightenment would be a big factor in the abolition of slavery. While it would take a few more dead for slavery to completely end in England,t his first step was important to get them there.
  • Slave uprising in Haiti

    There was the great slave revolt in the French Island of Haiti and this was important because they would be successful and win their independence. This feat impressed the masters as well as slaves in other countries. During this time slavery continued to be abolished and there were more uprisings such as this one. Oftentimes, writings from ex-slaves such as these would influence how other people viewed slavery and would help spur abolition.
  • Period: to

    Shaka forges Zulu power and expansion; mfecane under way

    The Mfecane were wars of the 19th century created by Zulu expansion in southern Africa under Shaka. These wars revolutionized the political organization of southern Africa as the new state that formed either did or did not conform to the Zulu model. Shaka was a brilliant military strategist and had an iron discipline that allowed them to take over the surrounding areas and establish their power. However, he was cruel and erratic which created enemies and he was assassinated in 1828.
  • Great Britain abolishes slavery in the West Indies

    The end of slavery in the West Indies was very important because it shows how people were finally beginning to realize that the slave trade was cruel and immoral, os they decided to abolish it. The Caribbean Islands were the biggest source of slavery for England so they end up this was very significant and affected a lot of lives.
  • Boers make "Great Trek" into Natal

    The Great Trek was the movement of Boer settlers in the Cape Colony of southern Africa to escape the influence of the British Colonial government. At the time the British had taken control of the Dutch Settlement, so the Boers (original Dutch settlers) weren't happy about this. The Great Trek was significant because they would go on to settle in the regions north of Orange River and Natal, which had a very fertile coast.