chapter 18

  • The Progressive Spirit

    Economic growth led to a rise in the number of new goods, and had the middle class grow between the rich and the poor classes. The industrialization had transformed the United States.
  • Tarbell and Standard oil

    McClure's ran the first installment of ''history of the standard oil company'' by Ida Tarbell. She was born on 1857 on the west side of Pennsylvania. five years befor she died she worte an autobiography, '' All In A Day Work''.
  • Felmale

    Men that worked in a store, factoryes, made less than 6$ a week. Wonmen often faced significant barriers when they tried to increase their income. Once a man how offered a woman a job for making buttonholes. he said she could make 3.5$ for every buttonhole, then he relized how many buttonholes she could make and how much money he was losing. He dicited to cut her pay because she was making 25$ a week, more that a regular woman would make in 3 weeks.
  • The Progressives

    Man and woman of the urban middle class found progressivism particulary attractive. by the 1870 urban class grow from 750,000 to 10 million in just 40 years. Most progressive were native born.
  • Dangerous Workplace

    In 1910 about 70 percent of all American industrial laborers worked an average of 54 houres a week. 25 percent of the workers were injured or killed on the job. Each year between 1907 and 1910.