Jun 20, 753
Ch1 Rome is funded
Jun 20, 1096
Ch 1 The Crusaades begin
Jun 20, 1300
Ch 1 Timbuktu becomes a center of Islamic learning
Jun 20, 1440
Ch 1 Johann Gutenberg developes his printing press
Jun 20, 1521
Ch 1 The sanish destroy the Aztec empire
Ch 1 England defeats Spanish armada
Ch 1 Jamestown is founded
Ch 1 Pilgrims settle in Plymouth
Ch 1 William Penn founds Pennsylvania
Ch 1 french and Indian War begins
Ch 2 George III becomes king of Great Britain
Ch 2 British Parliament passes Stamp Act
Ch 2 Colonist stage the Boston Tea Party
Ch 2 Parliment passes the Intolerable Acts. First Continental Congress convenes
Ch 2 Reign of Louis XVI begins in France
Ch 2 Second Continental Congress
Ch 2 Colonies declare independence
Ch 2 British surrended at Yorktown
Ch 2 French Revolution starts
Ch 2 French king Louis XVI is executed
Ch 3 Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto is published
Ch 3 Congress passes the Missoouri Compromise
Ch 3 Mexico wins its independence from Spain
Ch 3 William Lloyd Garrison oublishes The Liberator
Ch 3 GB abolishes slavery in the empire
Ch 3 Texas establishes itself as a republic, with Sam Houston as its first president
Ch 3 Vicoria becomes queen off England
Ch 3 Samel Morse sends the first telegraph message
Ch 3 The grest potato Famine begins in Ireland
Ch 3 The war with Mexico begins
Ch 4 The Great Exhibition oprnd in London
Ch 4 Franklin Pierce is elected president
Ch 4 Uncle Toms Cabin published
Ch 4 Charles Dickens Hard Times is published
Ch 4 James Buchanan is elected president
Ch 4 The Supreme court rules against Dred Scott
Ch 4 Abraham Lincoln ins preidental election
Ch 4 South Carolina secedes
Ch 4 The Confederacy is formed
Ch 4 Civil War begins
Ch 5 Suez Canal opens
Ch 6 Cental Pacific and Union Pacific complete the transcontinental railroad
Ch 6 Franco Prussian War breaks out
Ch 5 Secrete ballot is adopted in Britain
Ch 6 British labor unions win right to strike
Ch 6 Alexander Grahmbell invents the telephone
Ch 7 Porfirio Diaz seizes power in Merxico
Ch 7 Ruthford B. Hayes is elected president
Ch 8 Bicycles touring club is founding in Europe
Ch 5 James Garfield is elected president
Ch 7 James A. garfield is elected president
Ch 5 French occupy Tunisia
Ch 7 Chester A. Arthur succeeds Garfield after the assasination
United States restricts Chinese immigration
Ch 8 Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge is completed
Ch 5 Grover Cleveland is elected president
Ch 7 Grover Cleveland is elected president
Ch 8 fifteen-nation confrence on the division of Africa convenes in Berlin
Ch 7 Indian Nation Congress forms
Ch 7 Benjamin Harrison is elected president
Ch 8 Electric trolleys are the first introduced
Ch 8 Barnum & Bailey Circus opens in London
Ch 9 Eiffel Tower opens for visitors
Ch 5 Oklahoma opened for settlement
Ch 5 Sioux are massacred at Wounded Knee
CH 5 Congress passes the Sherman Antitrust Act,
Ch 8 Ida B. Wells crusades against lynching
Ch 5 France takes over Indchina
Ch 6 Wimen is New Sealand gain vioting rights
Ch 7 France establishes indochina
Ch 20 Business groups, aided by U.S marines, over throw Hawaii's ueen Liliuokalani
Ch 10 Guglielmo Marconi develops the technology that led to maodern radio
Ch 5 William McKinley is elected president
Ch 5 William Jennings Bryan runs for president
Ch 5 First Modern Olympics Games are held in Athens, Greece
Ch 5 William McKinley is elected president
Ch 9 Maria Curie discovers radium
Ch 10 marie Curie discovers radium
CH 10 U.S.S. Maine explodes and sinks
Ch 10 The spnish american war beings
Ch 9 Boer War in South Africa begins
Ch 5 Rebellion takes place in China
Ch 6 William McKinley is reelected
Ch 10 In china the boxers rebel
Ch 9 Commonwealth of Australia is created
Ch 10 Panama declares its independence from columbia
Ch 8 Henry Ford introduced the Model T.
Ch 8 Mecican Reolution begins
Ch 9 Mexican revolution begins
Ch 7 Woodrow Wilson is elected president
Ch 9 China's Qin dnassty topples
Ch 8 World War I begins in Europe
Ch 9 World War I begins in Europe
Ch 10 WWI begins in Europe
Ch 10 Panama canal opens
Ch 11 Hollywood Californa becomes the center of movie productionin the U.S
Ch11 Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assasinaed
Ch11 Germany declares war on Russia and France
Ch11 German U-boats sink the Lusitania and 1,198 people die
Ch11 Alexander Graham bell makes first tanscontinental telephone call
Ch11 Albert Einstien proposes his idea for the therory of relativity
Ch11 Batttles of Verdun and Somme claim million of lives
Ch11 Russua withdraws from the war
Ch11 The selective service act sets up the draft
Ch11 The U.S declarers war on Germany
Ch 9 Eighteenth Amendment outlaws aloholic beverages
Ch12 Palmer raids
Ch 9 Ninteenth Ammenment grants women the right to vote
Ch12 Chinese communist party is founded in Shanghai
Ch12 Sacco and Vanzetti are convicted
Ch12 Federal Aid Road Act funds a national highway system
Ch13 Chinas Communist party is founded
Ch12 Benito Mussolini is appointed prime ministe of italy
Ch 13 Louis Armstrong plays for King Olivers Creole Jazz Bands in Chicago
Ch13 King Tuts timb is discovered in Egyptt
Ch12 German economic crisis
Time Magazine begins pubication
Ch13 Mustafa Kemal becomes first president of the New Republic of Turkey
Ch12 The scopes trial takes place in Tenessee
Ch12 British laborers delare a gerneral strike
Ch12 Hirohito becomes emporer of Japan
Ch13 Hirohito becomes emporer of japan
Ch12 Henry Ford inttroduces the Model A
Ch 13 Charles Lindergh makes the first nonstop slo transatlantic flight
Ch 12 Joseph Stalin launches the first of his Five Year plans in the USSR
Ch 13 President Alvaro Obregon of Mexico is assassinated