Chains book


  • Graveyard

    Isabel goes to the graveyard where her mother is buried and she tried to see her and talk to her ghost but she never gets the chance.
  • The Will

    Isabel thought that when her mother died, she had put in her her will that Ruth and Isabel were to be freed but her Master claimed that she had never even made a will before she died.
  • The Auction

    Isabel and Ruth were taken to Newport for an auction that they were going to be sold in.
  • Sailing

    In two nights and two days, Isabel and Ruth made their way from Newport all the way to the city of New York by boat.
  • Becky Berry

    Isabel and Ruth meet Becky Berry, the cook.
  • The Selling

    Isabel and Ruth were sold to Madam Lockton and her husband.
  • Money

    Isabel finds out the Master Lockton was hiding money in a chest when he told the other men about it and she went to tell Curzon, since she was spying for him.
  • Lockton Gets Arrested

    After Isabel delivee the news that Lockton wanted to kill Washington, he arrested.
  • Lockton Returns

    Master Lockton returns from being arrested and he looked a mess.
  • Lockton's Meeting

    Master Lockton had a meeting with the other men and he had told them that they needed to kill Washington. Then they all signed a paper so that none of them would be able to tell or they would get killed.
  • Ruth's Spell

    Ruth was having a spell in the kitchen and Madam Lockton thought the "devil was inside her" and tried to hurt her.
  • Madam Lockton and Ruth

    Madam Lockton hit Ruth and Isabel found her crying because she had never been hit before.
  • Isabel Delivers Message

    Isabel went out at night when everybody was alsep and took the paper that was in the safe to go and show Colonel Regan what Master Lockton had been up to and what he was planning.
  • Plot Uncovered

    Lockton's plot to kill Washington was finally unncovered. They had come to run him out of town now.
  • Thomas Hickey

    Thomas Hickey was going to be hung because he almost assasinated Washington. Everybody gathered around to see it happen.
  • Independence was Declared

    New York was decarled independent and everybody cheered and celebrated.
  • Ruth Went Missing

    When Isabel went to sleep that night Madam had given her and her sister sleeping drugs in their drinks and when Isabel woke up, Madam had sold Ruth.
  • Isbael Runs

    Isabel tried to run away so that she could be free and try and find Ruth but they catch her and beat her.
  • Dungueon

    They took Isabel to a dengueon under City Hall and put her in a cell with a madwoman to await her trial.
  • Isabel's Punishment

    Isabel gets punished by getting an "I" burned into her face. It stood for the word "insolence".