Causes of the civil war

  • 3/5 compromise

    3/5 compromise
    The 3/5 compromise was added to the constitution to determine representatives in the House of Representatives slaves equaled 3/5 of a person. This shows sectionalism over slavery and the concern of which side has power in the government
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    This is when the anti and pro slavery community's came together and decided to break up into boundaries to know who were able to have slaves and not. Until the brutal Kansas Nebraska act this may of lead to the civil war by showing the very different types of community's
  • William Floyd garrison the liberator

    William Floyd garrison the liberator
    During this time period Floyd garrison wrote a book that OPEND the eyes to slave owners and helped them realize that keeping slaves and in slaving people was bad and not a good way of life this caused the civil war because people started to revolt and rebel against slavery
  • Mexican American war

    This war is when the United States invades Mexico to capture treictory in the north which leads to a civil conflict because of course the Mexican would want there territory back
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    This was a act pass so slaves that were considered free could still be brought back and put into Slavery, This I rage the north and cause civil right acts because even free slaver were being kidnaped and put into slaverry
  • Harriet Tubman u serf round railroad

    Harriet Tubman u serf round railroad
    During This time period Harriet was a free slave that went into slave stars to free slaves that were still help captive by alave owners this lead to the civil war because the south soon began to loose population because of the lack of slaves in the area
  • Federick Douglas

    Federick Douglas
    Me Douglas was a young black educated male who showed a big change of slavery with his mind set and OPEND the eyes to other slaves to show them the true way this lead to the civil war because the slave owners did not like the fact of the slaves becoming educated and ready to rebel
  • Dread Scott case

    Dread Scott case
    During this time a man that was a slave was brought to free land and then brought back to a slave state which made him in rage that after being free he had to be a slave again this effected the people and cause a civil war because the people started to realize how unfairly African Americans where treated and how they were not able to defend themselves because they were not considered citizens
  • Gettysburg address

    Gettysburg address
    During this time this lead to president Lincoln freeing the slaves in the confederacy this cause a major problem that lead to the civil war because it showed the south that it was unfair that they couldn't have slaves because they where in the confederate states
  • Manifest destiny

    Manifest destiny
    This is a time when the west want to expand and become new and take over land this would also lead to civil conflict because the west expanding would mean they would have to control certain lands that where not there's