
Cardiovascular System

By Jbeck01
  • First Heart Surgery

    There is no real date to when it happened, but it happened when Dr. Dwight Harken operated on a soldier with shrapnel in his heart.
  • First corretive heart surgery

    it was created to correct mitral stenosis, a vaule that does not open completely, most patients died. preformed by Dr. Charles Bailey
  • First Open Heart Surgery

    It was Performed on a 5-year old girl that had a hole in her heart.
  • Heart-Lung Machine

    Doctors were relieved because of this machine because it got rid of the problem of having the patient not having enough oxygen for their brain.
  • Solution to stop the heart

    This solution created by Dr. Dennis Melrose stopped the heart from beating during surgery.
  • First Heart Transplant

    The patient live for 18 more days until dying, it was performed by Dr. Christiaan Barnard.
  • First Successful Long Term Heart Transplant

    Once again done by Dr. Christiaan Barnard. The patient lived for 19 months after.
  • Cyclosporin Discovered

    Cyclosporin is a fungus that prevented bodies from rejecting organ transplants.
  • Failed Heart Transplants

    146 of 170 heart transplant patients died.
  • First Surgery To Fix Over Size Hearts

    Created by Dr. Randas Batista. It would improve efficiency of the heart.