canadian confederation

  • Confederation

    Confederation began in 1867 when Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Soctia became the first provinces in the domain of Canada. Sir John.A MacDonald, George Brown, George Etienne Cartier, Charles Tupper, and Joseph Howe were the main people involved in Confederation.
  • Period: to


  • British Parliamentary Democray

    British Parliamentary Democray
    Canada wanted to follow the British model of government by having a parliamentary democray with a leader at the head, and to maitian tradition. It was decided that based on the size of the provience, that would determine how many people would represent that province in governmental decisions.
  • Central and Provincial Governments

    Central and Provincial Governments
    The central governemnt was the only branch that had risidual powers. The central government was given the power to create ciminal laws, defense, trade, and foreign affairs. In addition the central government could create direct and indirect taxes and had the power to reject any provincial law that was violated.
  • House Of Commons and A Senate

    House Of Commons and A Senate
    The number of seats your provience would have in the house of commons would be determined by the population. The greater the population the more seats you would be given. Determining the role of the Senate was more difficult. Each proience was appointed 24 members. The Senates would provide a secdon opinon to the decisions the House of Commons were making.
  • Manitoba Joins Canada

    Manitoba Joins Canada
    May 12, 1870 Manitoba joined Canada so they could have the back up and support of the federal government. The federal government gave them money so that they could live and support the province.
  • Northwest Territories joins Canada.

    Northwest Territories joins Canada.
    In 1870 the Northwest Territories were bought by Canada. Many of the people who lived in the Northwest Territories were First Nations or Inuit. Throughout the years the government made many decisions that affected the First Nations and Inuit people in a very positive way and improved their ways of living dirastically.
  • British Columbia Joins Canada.

    British Columbia Joins Canada.
    July 20th 1871 British Columbia joined Canada. British Columbia were concerned about a few things like: fear that the Amercians would take over them, the ammount of debt because of rapid populatiob growth, the ecomonic depression after the gold rush, and the need for government funded services to support them. They then decided that join Canada would be thier best option.
  • Prince Edward Island joins Canada.

    Prince Edward Island joins Canada.
    In 1873 Canada was worried that the U.S would take over P.E.I so asked them again to join. The two biggest problems that P.E.I had was: landlords in England owned most of their land so people were having to rent land for very high prices. Aswell they had borrowed alot of money to build a railway and were not able to repay their dept. Canada agreed to land them money for both of these problems. P.E.I then agreed to join Canada.
  • Yukon joins Canada.

    Yukon joins Canada.
    After the gold was discovered in Yukon, the population grew rapidly and attracted many Amercians. Yukon feared if they did not join that America would take over.
  • Changes in the 1900's.

    Changes in the 1900's.
    -Wilfred Laurier added to the government by establishing the federal department of labour in the 1900's, and external labour in 1909. -Prime Minister William Lyon MacKenzie King introduced old age pentions to Canada in 1926. -Prime minister Robert Borden opened the voting privlages to women in 1918. John Diefenbaker extened the right to vote to Aboriginal people.
  • Saskatchewan and Alberta join Canada.

    Saskatchewan and Alberta join Canada.
    In 1905 Saskatchewan and Alberta join Canada.
    The population had grown and the territories were no longer just a fur trade area. The region featured farming, logging, mining, and the railway. They felt they should have the same government as the other provinces, and be able to collect taxes to pay for schools and other services the growing population needed.
  • Nunavut joins Canada

    Nunavut joins Canada
    They Inuit people decided they wanted to have control over thier own lands and the resources in the Artic. They negoitated with Canada and came to an agreement that they would regain control of their land adn so they decided to join Canada. Nunavut was the last provience to join Canada.