Canada's Role in the Cold War

  • Quebec's Padlock Law

    Quebec's Padlock Law
    This law was intended to prevent the dissemination of communist propaganda. And the people of Quebec could not publish or distribute newspaper, pamphlets or any documents.
  • Spies in Canada: Gouzenka Affair

    Spies in Canada: Gouzenka Affair
    Igor Gouzenka defected, and had 109 documents on the Soviets. He exposed nuclear projects, and the planting of sleeper agents. This incident is credited to starting the Cold War.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Soviets blocked the Allies railway, road, and canal access to Berlin. So to work around this problem the Allies created an idea of airlifting supplies to Berlin. The United States Air Force and the British Royal Air Force made over 200,000 flights to give supplies to the people of Berlin.
  • International Alliances: NATO

    International Alliances: NATO
    NATO is a system of collective defense, such as if an attack takes place the member countries will respond by an outside attack. The headquarters are in Brussells, Belgium
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The Korean War was a battle between the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The war was started from the North Korean army invading South Korea. The United States entered and helped South Korea fight off the invading forces.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was a post Cold War era confrontation which happened in Vietnam. There were about 58,220 U.S casualties.
  • UN Peacekeeping: Suez Crisis

    UN Peacekeeping: Suez Crisis
    Was a diplomatic and military confrontation between Egypt and Britain, France, and Israel. A day after Israel invaded Egypt, Britain and France started to bomb Cairo.
  • Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missile, Nuclear Warheads in Canada

    Diefenbaker, Bomarc Missile, Nuclear Warheads in Canada
    John Diefenbaker took office on June 21, 1957 and served for 4 years. The Bomarc missile was an American missile which was the only SAM missile which is a surface-to-air missile and was supposed to be launched by Canada's Avro Arrow but was stopped due to the cancellation of the plane.
  • Sputnik and Canada Space Program

    Sputnik and Canada Space Program
    The launch of Sputnik 1 sparked the Space Race and was a very important part of the Cold War. This event helped for new political, military, technological and scientific developements.
  • Avro Arrow

    Avro Arrow
    The Avro Arrow was Canada's biggest aviation achievement it was apparently supposed to be able to reach Mach 2 and fly over 50,000 ft and was intended to serve in the Royal Canadian Air Force. The production of the Avro Arrow was announced on February 20, 1959, and is was known as Black Friday to the people of the aviation industry. There are still questions on why it was cancelled, this put 14,528 Avro employees out of work.
  • NORAD and DEW Line

    NORAD and DEW Line
    NORAD stands for North American Aerospace Defense Command, it is a joint program by Canada and United States it provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty and defense for Canada and the United States. The headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado. DEW stands for Distant Early Warning Line, it is a system of radar systems located in the far regions of Canada. It was set up to detect Soviet bombers during the Cold War.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban Missile Crisis
    This crisis was a 13 day confrontation between the Soviet Union and Cuba against the United States. This was the Cold War's closest period where the war could have turned into a nuclear war.
  • Canada vs. Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada vs. Soviet Hockey Series
    This was an 8 game series involving the Soviets and Canada. It was played at the peak of the Cold War, there was nationalism and pride on the line. The Canadians won the series 4-3 (there was a tie game)
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    Hungary physically disabled the wall and 13,000 East German tourists escaped through Hungary to Austria