
Canada's Role in the Cold War

  • Quebec 's Padlock Law

    Quebec 's Padlock Law
    • Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis introduced this law in the province of Quebec.
    • The law gave police forces the right to seal off all property where communist literature and activity are present.
    • It also gave attorneys the right to charge anybody that is accused with Communsim
  • Spies In Canada: Gouzenko Affair

    Spies In Canada: Gouzenko Affair
    Igor Testimony- Igor was a Russian Intellegence worker sent to the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa in 1943
    During his time working there he had learned that Soviet Intellegence operated in Canada and many other Western Countries.
    - Igor defected to Canada after learning that his family was going to be sent back to Russia
    - Offered Canada Top Serect Fileson working Soviet Spies
    - Seen as a hero for his courage in choosing Freedom over dictatorship by alerting Western Countries about the threat of the USSR
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Berlin Blockade Video- In 1948 the Soviets had broke and agreement on their former allies.
    - They had tried to force the allies to give up their established rights to occupy the Western part of Berlin.
    - Soviets had tried to block the supply line but was unsuccessful
    - Airlifts were arranged to bring Food and Supplies over the blockade
    - The Blockade only rose tensions between the West and the East
  • International Alliance: NATO

    International Alliance: NATO
    History of NATO- As the Soviets were trying to spread influence as much as possible the US anad Canada were concerned about National Secruity.
    - The treaaty was formed to protect it's members incase of a Soviet attack
    - All members have pledged to protect each other from enemy attacks
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    • In 1950 Communist North Korea decided to attack South Korea.
    • The UN assembly condemdemed the attack and called for other nation's assistance.
    • Nearly 25,000 Canadians saw acton during the war.
    • The collective efforts ensure South Korea of it's independence.
  • UN Peacekeeping: The Suez Crisis

    UN Peacekeeping: The Suez Crisis
    • The Suez Crisis had been nationalized by the Egyptian government
    • Britian, France, and Isreal had mobilized to attack Egypt
    • A UN Emergency force suggested by Lester B. Pearson was sent to the country to settle the dispute
  • Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers

    Vietnam War and Draft Dodgers
    • Canada tried to maintain neutral throughout the war as they were members of the ICC
    • Canada had sent aid to South Vietnam
    • Draft Dodgers were people escaping from conscription in The US by coming to Canada
  • Sputnik and Canada's Space Program

    Sputnik and Canada's Space Program
    • The Soviets had sent Sputnik into a low orbit around the world
    • It was detectable from all around world by radio pulses
  • Pearson Wins The Nobel Prize

    Pearson Wins The Nobel Prize
    • After the peacekeeping idea, Lester B. Pearson had recieved a Nobel Peace Prize
  • Continental Alliance: NORAD and DEW Line

    Continental Alliance: NORAD and DEW Line
    • With the new advancements in technology Canada and the US needed to defend themselves against long range missles
    • The North Americna Air Defence was created and the two nations agreed to help defend each other.
    • The DEW Line consisted of long range radars stationed at the North end of Canada and Alaska
    • Radars would pick up incoming enemy aircrafts and missles from 4800km away
  • Diefenbaker: Bomarc Missile and Nuclear Warheads

    Diefenbaker: Bomarc Missile and Nuclear Warheads
    Missle Launch- The Bomarc missle is a long range supersonic interceptor deployed to defend income aircrafts during the Cold War.
    - Intially the missles were to have a nuclear war head but had been scraped to not hav such payload
  • The Avro Arrow and It's Cancellation

    The Avro Arrow and It's Cancellation
    • The Avro head was a high advanced fighter jet built by the Canadians
    • The Airplane could reach a top speed to Mach 3.
    • The program came to a abrupt halt and a political debate was created on why Diefenbaker had stopped the production of the Avro
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    US President Kennedy on The Crisis- American spy planes had photographed the bulding of Soviet missile sites on the island of Cuba.
    - The Missles could be accuratly aimed at any North American city.
    - A Naval blockade was set up around the Island to stop incoming Soviet ships delivering Missles
    - Canadian governmants had suggested all sites suspected to be Nuclear warhead launch sites to be inspected by indenpendent experts.
    - Soviet ships had turned away from the Blockade, Ending The Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Canada-Soviet Hockey Series

    Canada-Soviet Hockey Series
    Paul Henderson Game Winning Goal- For many years, amateur hokcey teams of Canada were unable to beat top European teams
    - Canadian players were determined that they could be unbeatable if a team of made of NHL players.
    - Finally in 1972 a team was organized to play against the Russians
    - Canadian players where shocked that the Russians equalled them in player power
    - In the final game Paul Henderson had scored a goal to breka a tied game.
    - Gave Canada a tremendous boost to National Pride
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    Wall Falling- Borders from East Germany to West Germany had started to open up
    - It then became that all people could cross the borders between the different sides
    - After the fall, East and West Germnay was then unified into one German state
  • The Fall of the Soviet Union

    The Fall of the Soviet Union
    • In 1991 the world watched as the Soviet Union disintegrated into 15 countries.
    • It hailed by the West was a victory for freedom
    • This had ended the Cold War