cafe timeline

By jmarcy
  • coupons

    we can offer coupons to lower the price of the products sold by the cafe. these might attract people who are looking to eat at cheap prices, and might raise the cafe’s standings in the public eye. coupons can be distributed from either the cafe itself or from magazines and ads distributed through the mail.
  • product samples

    product samples
    by offering product samples we can show that our cafe is not what is making people sick. it was a crazy coincidence. Hopefully this will show people that our cafe is good and will increase business. we could distribute the samples in places where there are a lot of people, like the a sidewalk or in front of a grocery store.
  • contest

    Advertising and Sales
    Notes Shell - Visual Merchandising What is Visual Merchandising?
    Examples: Store Design and Layout, Display and Fixtures
    How Does Visual Merchandising Relate to Promotions?
    Promotional ideas may be great but unless merchandise is presented well, there is little chance for success.
    Effective merchandising _
    Store Desig