CADRE_March 2012

By crispp
  • Digital Citizenship

    Digital Citizenship
    NETS Digital Citizenship
    Digital Citizenship: Students demonstrate personal development to be life long learners because they are aware of the human, cultural and social issues related to technology and they practise ethical and legal digital behaviour.
  • 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

    9 Elements of Digital Citizenship
    Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship
    Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.

    1. Digital Access
    2. Digital Commerce
    3. Digital Communication
    4. Digital Literacy
    5. Digital Etiquette
    6. Digital Law
    7. Digital Rights & Responsibilities
    8. Digital Health & Wellness
    9. Digital Security (self-protection)
  • 3 Ways groups collaborate to improve teaching

    Ways teachers collaborate
    Social Networking