c-2 french and indean war

  • Jamestown Colony created

    Jamestown Colony created
    before december an estimat of 100 settlers sailed out of london and whent to jamestown in surch of gold and a water route to orient.
  • •Massachusetts Bay Colony created

    the colony was clamed by the owners of he massachusetts compony, including failed investors from dorchester compony.
  • •New Amsterdam becomes New York

    new york pased through english control
  • •Albany Congress meets

    from june 19 to uly 11 congess discusses better relations with indian tribes.
  • •The French & Indian War concludes

    the war ends with a peace treaty sind by paris.
  • •George Washington assaults Fort Duquesne

    George Washington is secitly apointed comander-in -chef of the us army.
  • Columbus "discovers" America

    Columbus "discovers" America
    columbus led three ships the nina, the penta, and the santa meria-out of the spanish ports of palos .