800px flag of the british east india company  1707 .svg

British Acts

By mays93
  • the Proclamation act

     the Proclamation act
    The British passed the Proclamation act to stop colonists from settling West of the Appalachian Mountains because they don’t want the colonists to fight again so they will need money and will be in dept again.
  • The colonists responded for the proclamation act

    The colonists responded for the proclamation act
    The colonists responded to the Proclamation by moving any way.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    Tax non-British imports; which it means to tax every other countries imports of coffee and sugar except England.
  • The colonists responded for the sugar act

    The colonists responded for the sugar act
    The colonists responded to the Sugar act by complaining with "No taxation without representation" and that’s mean there are no taxes without telling the colonists about it. But the colonists still pay the taxes, because they have no other choices, they can't live without sugar or coffee that’s act effect the other countries and the colonists.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The British passed the Stamp Act to tax all the printed items -newspapers and many other items, and all of them have to have a stamp to show that the tax was paid.
  • The colonists responded for the stamp act

    The colonists responded for the stamp act
    The colonists responded to the Stamp Act by speaking out against the act, burning the stamps, and boycotting British goods. This law affected the colonists so much because every one use a paper so every one had to pay.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The British passed the Quartering Act to make the colonists provide food and houses to the troops, from the British army. The troops came to the colonies to watch the border if some body come and try to move West and they don't want anyone to move West so the colonists not going to fight any more with the Heron so the troops have to watch if some one come and stop them.
  • The colonists responded for Quartering Act

    The colonists responded for Quartering Act
    The colonists responded to the Quartering Act by refusing to follow the act because they have money just to feed their family, and they don't want any one to live with them. They don't have enough money to feed British armies.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The Townshend Act is to tax glass, paint, lead, paper and the tea.
  • The colonists responded for the Townshend Act

    The colonists responded for the Townshend Act
    The colonists responded to the Townshend Act by protesting with violence, they attacked the British officers, and boycotted all the British goods.
  • the Tea Act

    the Tea Act
    The British made their tea cheaper than any other tea made in the colonies, so every one will buy the British tea.
  • The colonists responded for the Tea Act

    The colonists responded for the Tea Act
    The colonists responded to the Tea Act by dressing up like the Mohawks, and then dumping the tea in the Boston harbor, which was called "the Boston tea party".
  • The Coeruve Act

    The Coeruve Act
    The British passed the Coeruve Act to close the port of Boston, and to punish the people who were in the tea party. The British bass this act because they lost all of their tea which it cost a lot of money.
  • The colonists responded for the Coeruve Act

    The colonists responded for the Coeruve Act
    The colonists responded to the Coeruve Acts by continuing to protest.