What does hiv virus look like

Brief History of Germs Timeline: HIV/AIDS by Roger Wang, Period 1

By blms
  • Oldest Known HIV Sample

    Dr. Bette Korber tested the oldest known HIV sample. From this, he estimated that Hiv-1 Subtype M was first spread to humans in 1931 from Cameroon chimps.
  • AIDS Begins Killing People

    People die from AIDS in the U.S., Europe, and Africa.
  • A Rare Pneumonia is Found to Be AIDS-related

    Pneumocystis pneumonia is seen to be linked to AIDS because it occurs in humans with weak immune systems.
  • First AIDS Clinic is Opened

    The first AIDS clinic is opened in San Francisco, California
  • HIV is Found to Cause AIDS

    HIV is Found to Cause AIDS.
  • First World AIDS Day

    From that day on, every December 1st, World AIDS Day is dedeicated to raising AIDS awareness and unite in the fight against AIDS.
  • AIDS is a Leading Cause of Death

    AIDS is now a leading cause of death in Americans ages 25-44.
  • Origin of HIV-1 M Found

    Dr. Beatrice Hahn and a group of researchers found that HIV-1 M comes from Pan troglodytes troglodytes in Cameroon, which is in South Africa.
  • The AIDS Memorial Quilt is Finished

    The AIDS Memorial Quilt, in Washington D.C., is complete for its 25th Anniversary
  • CDC Finds a Way to Stop HIV from Spreading

    CDC released a study that with a daily dose of medicine for people without HIV could prevent the transfer of HIV from an HIV-positive person to an HIV-negative person.